This is the user manual for PhpWiki 1.6.3.
You are using PhpWiki at this very moment. Incredible, ain't it?
Visit our home page at and see PhpWiki
in action at (and of course here too
Included from Help/WikiWikiWeb
A WikiWikiWeb is a site where everyone can collaborate on the
content. The most well-known and widely used Wiki is the Portland
Pattern Repository at
You and I will find these statements there particularly relevant:
The point is to make the EditText form simple and the FindPage
search fast.
In addition to being quick, this site also aspires to Zen ideals
generally labeled WabiSabi. Zen finds beauty in the imperfect and
ephemeral. When it comes down to it, that's all you need.
The Universe tends toward chaos. The Universe tends toward Wiki.
You can say hello on RecentVisitors, or read about HowToUseWiki and
AddingPages. So go ahead and play with it and have fun!!
Included from Help/Steve Wainstead
Hi. I started building this WikiWikiWeb but many others help me
now. I'm at
Please report bugs to
Since wabi-sabi represents a comprehensive Japanese world view or aesthetic system, it is difficult to explain precisely in western terms. According to Leonard Koren, wabi-sabi is the most conspicuous and characteristic feature of what we think of as traditional Japanese beauty and it “occupies roughly the same position in the Japanese pantheon of aesthetic values as do the Greek ideals of beauty and perfection in the West.”
“Wabi-sabi is a beauty of things imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete.”
“It is the beauty of things modest and humble.”
“It is the beauty of things unconventional.”
The concepts of wabi-sabi correlate with the concepts of Zen Buddhism, as the first Japanese involved with wabi-sabi were tea masters, priests, and monks who practiced Zen. Zen Buddhism originated in India, traveled to China in the 6th century, and was first introduced in Japan around the 12th century. Zen emphasizes “direct, intuitive insight into transcendental truth beyond all intellectual conception.” At the core of wabi-sabi is the importance of transcending ways of looking and thinking about things/existence.
- All things are impermanent
- All things are imperfect
- All things are incomplete
(also taken from WABI-SABI: FOR ARTISTS,DESIGNERS, POETS & PHILOSOPHERS, 1994, Leonard Koren):
Material characteristics of wabi-sabi:
- suggestion of natural process
- irregular
- intimate
- unpretentious
- earthy
- simple
For more about wabi-sabi, see
Included from Help/WikisUsingPhpWiki
Here are some wikis using PhpWiki:
See also for a Phpwiki demonstration.
Included from Help/AddingPages
Adding pages
To add a new page to the wiki, all you have to do is come up with a meaningful title and put it between [[double brackets]].
Then you can go ahead and click the question mark at the end of your new hyperlink, and the Wiki will give you a window for making the new page.
The page name can contain any character, except:
- angle brackets (<>),
- square brackets ([]),
- curly brackets ({}),
- double quotes ("),
- pipe (|),
- and hash sign (#) that is used for anchors.
If you wish to add documents with complex markup to the wiki, you might be better off providing a URL to it than trying to add the text of the document here, like so:
[[|PhpWiki project homepage]]
The Wiki does not support most HTML tags, only the simplest. See TextFormattingRules.
<tags>They will just render like text.</tags> Wiki is meant to be as
simple as possible to encourage use.
Note that there is a feature that your system administrator can enable
to allow embedded HTML, but there are security risks involved.
Removing pages
Removing a page will clear all it versions. The history of the page will still be visible and the removal will appear in the RecentChanges. It will be possible to restore the page by creating a new version; in that case, all previous versions will be restored.
You must be logged as administrator to be able to remove a page.
Purging pages
Purging a page will delete it with all its versions without any possibility to restore it. Purging will not appear in the RecentChanges.
You must be logged as administrator to be able to purge a page.
All pages have an Edit link. You can edit the page you are reading by clicking that link.
Included from Help/GoodStyle
“Young writers often suppose that style is a garnish for the meat of prose, a sauce by which a dull dish is made palatable. Style has no such separate entity; it is nondetachable, unfilterable. The beginner should approach style warily, realizing that it is himself he is approaching, no other; and he should begin by turning resolutely away from all devices that are popularly believed to indicate style--all mannerisms, tricks, adornments. The approach to style is by way of plainness, simplicity, orderliness, sincerity.”
--Strunk and White, “The Elements of Style”
And thus an American textbook, typical required reading for
10th-grade English students, unknowingly extols some virtues of
Wabi Sabi.
Included from Help/GoogleLink
A new UserPreferences setting to optionally add a [G] link to unknown pages, with a link to Google:[pagename]. Default: Off
Included from Help/HowToUseWiki
“Wiki wiki” means “quick” in Hawai'ian.
All you really need to know is:
- To edit any page click on the Edit. You should do that right now, and read the source code of this page. It will make more sense.
- You get italics by surrounding words with two slashes on either side like this.
- You get bold text by using two asterisks on either side.
- And, bold italics by using both.
- You get monospaced text by using two hash signs on either side.
- You get bullets by using an asterisk * at the start of the line.
- To have a paragraph in plain monospaced font, start it with {{{ and end it with }}}:
this is a poem for sure about monospacing i wrote in purple velour but couldn't find a rhyme for monospacing
- You separate paragraphs with an extra blank line. Example:
I am a paragraph.
I am a paragraph too. We're just very small paragraphs.
- You can get horizontal rules with four or more dashes like this:
- To create hyperlinks you just capitalize the words and string them together. Let's say you want to create a page about how Steve Wainstead eats worms. All you have to do is capitalize each word and string them together like this: SteveWainsteadEatsLiveWorms. If the page does not exist yet a question mark appears after the link, inviting you to create the page: ThisPageShouldNotExist. (And please don't ruin the example by creating one.)
- To link to pages outside the Wiki, you can just type in the URL and
Wiki will link it for you:
- To put images in, just provide the hyperlink in brackets like this: [[http://www.yourhost.yourdomain/images/picture.png]]. Image URLs not in brackets will just appear as hyperlinks to the image.
- Now you are ready to begin
adding pages.
A WikiWikiWeb is meant to be fast and easy to edit. It has very simple
markup that you can read about in
If you don't like the size of the text editing window you get, you can change it. See UserPreferences.
Included from FindPage
Here are some good starting points for browsing.
HowToUseWiki gives you the quick lowdown on Wiki markup.
- RecentChanges recorded automatically.
MoreAboutMechanics of browsing and editing on this server.
Title Search
Here's a title search. Try something like wiki or sandwich.
Full Text Search
Use the following for a full text search. The results will show all lines on a given page which contain a match.
Fuzzy Search
In a fuzzy pages search the titles of all pages are examined to find those which are similarly spelled or similar sounding (English).
- Separate words with a space. All words have to match as substrings.
- 'OR', grouping with parenthesis, string-quoting and some glob-style wildcard characters are also supported.
- To exclude words from a title search or full text search, prepend a '-'.
- Use '^xx' or 'xx*' to match words starting with 'xx'.
- Use '*xx' or 'xx$' to match words ending with 'xx'.
- Use '^word$' to match exact words.
- Use regex=auto and 're:' like 're:word.*xx' or regex=posix to use Posix regular expressions. (not yet)
- Use regex=auto and '//' like '/^word$/' or regex=pcre to match using Perl-style regular expressions.
- Use regex=sql to match using SQL-style wildcards '%' and '_'.
- Use regex=none to match any wildcards verbatim.
- 'wiki text -php' looks for all pages containing the words 'wiki' and 'text', but not containing the word 'php'.
You can easily use images in the wiki.
Uploaded images
First, image files need to be uploaded in the wiki. For that purpose, you will use the
UpLoad plugin.
Once the image is uploaded, the easiest way to insert it is to use the toolbar.
Click on the icon and you will be shown a list
of available images.
Select an image and click Insert. The image will be inserted without options or alternative text.
TOOLBAR_IMAGE_PULLDOWN must be set to true for the icon to appear in the toolbar (default).
You give access to the uploaded image with the following syntax.
will inline the image.
{{myimage.png|this is the alt text for my image}}
inlines the image with an alternative text.
[[some link|{{myimage.png}}]]
if you click on the image, will goto "some link"
[[some link|{{myimage.png|alt text}}]]
same with alternative
same as above: picture links to url
[[|{{myimage.png|alt text}}]]
same with alternative
shows a plain link
[[Upload:myimage.png | my image]]
shows the image under a link named "my image".
For Mediawiki compatibility, the keyword Upload: can be replaced by File: or Image:.
Using the Upload: syntax, options are allowed to change the appearance:
[[Upload:myimage.png size=40x25 align=center]]
Separate options by spaces. The allowed options are the following:
- size: width "x" height or num + "%"
- align: string
- border: number
- hspace: number
- vspace: number
URL images
You can also use "external" images by providing a URL.
In that case, you simply put the URL between double brackets or double curly brackets:
will give:
See Also
Included from Help/Categories
Categories are a way to group pages that are related to the same subject. They provide an easy way to browse the wiki.
In Phpwiki, categories are not stored in a separate namespace like in Mediawiki for
instance. A category is a page with a name that begins with “Category” and contains
a call to the BackLinks plugin.
Creating a new category
The simplest way to create a new category is to to go the CategoryCategory page.
Enter its name (starting with “Category”) and hit “CreatePage” button.
This will automatically insert the necessary plugins calls.
You might want to add at the beginning of the page a paragraph explaining the purpose of the category.
Suppose you want to create a category called CategoryFruit. You might add:
This Category groups the different kinds of fruit.
By default, the new category is created as a subcategory of CategoryCategory (the “root” category). You might want to change this (see below “Category hierarchies”).
Putting a page in a category
To put the article banana in CategoryFruit, you have to put at the end of the page:
---- [[CategoryFruit]]
The CategoryFruit page will then display your text describing the purpose of the category, then the list of pages in the category.
The can be done very easily by using the
button of the edit toolbar when editing the page.
Category hierarchies
The simplest way to use categories is to use “flat” categories. But you can also build a hierarchy of categories by putting categories themselves in categories.
For example, you can put the [[CategoryFruit]] in [[CategoryFood]] instead of default [[CategoryCategory]].
Tips and tricks
- Page CategoryCategory is the root category. All categories should be subcategories of this category (recursively).
- If in a page you need to refer to a category, you should add a semi-colon: [[:CategoryFruit]]. This will create a link to the category without putting the page in the category (which would be the case if using [[CategoryFruit]]).
- You can put a page in several categories if needed.
Included from Help/InterWiki
This wiki supports InterWiki links in a style copied from UseMod:
wiki. Links to pages in other wikis can be made without having to know
or type the full URLs, for example:
MeatBall:InterWiki will link to
the page named "InterWiki" at Meatball wiki.
The InterWiki map is taken from the the <verbatim> block in
InterWikiMap, but that page must be locked for it to work. This denies
a potential hacker the ability to nefariously change every InterWiki
link to point to some evil URL. If no map is found in InterWikiMap (or
the page is not locked), PhpWiki will fall back to using the file
lib/ in your phpwiki distribution. The InterWiki map
file in use at PhpWiki: can be viewed at
The map file is manually updated. It is based upon and periodically
synchronized with UseMod's InterMap
but it is not quite identical. One notable difference from
is that PhpWiki supports '%s' within the URLs in the map--see the
entry for RFC for an example of how this works.
Not all of the entries in the InterWikiMap are actual wikis. For
example, these are just regular web sites: Dictionary:fungible,
JargonFile:Alderson loop,
IMDB:Roman Holiday,
RFC:2822, and
The "Category" moniker is a special entry which allows one to link a
wiki page to a Category page without creating a back-reference. Thus
Category:Category links to the CategoryCategory page, yet this page
won't show up in the back-links listing of CategoryCategory.
The term "InterWiki" also refers to a broader concept. See InterWikiSearch for more links.
Included from Help/LinkIcons
LinkIcons are an optional feature of PhpWiki. When activated, icons will be displayed in front of URLs to indicate the type of link.
![]() |
http link |
![]() |
generic internet link |
![]() |
Interwiki link |
![]() |
https link |
![]() |
mailto link |
![]() |
ftp link |
The following examples will display with the above link icons only if the administrator has enabled this feature.
InterWiki links
- InterWiki link
- A named InterWiki
read WhyWikiWorks at c2.
- Email address
PhpWiki-talk mailing list
- Normal http link
PhpWiki's Home Page
- Secure http link
PhpWiki's Home Page
- File transfer
A generic icon is shown for other less common link types.
LinkIcons will only display when the URL protocol is one which PhpWiki is allowed to link to. The following examples won't show any icons and PhpWiki won't automatically provide double-clickable links either, unless the administrator adds them:
- bogus://
- bolo://
Included from Help/PredefinedIcons
Phpwiki allows you to easily include some predefined icons in your wiki pages.
The following icons are available:
Notation | {{:)}} | {{:(}} | {{:P}} | {{:D}} | {{;)}} | {{(y)}} | {{(n)}} |
Image | ![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Notation | {{(i)}} | {{(/)}} | {{(x)}} | {{(!)}} | {{(+)}} | {{(-)}} | {{(?)}} |
Image | ![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Notation | {{(on)}} | {{(off)}} | {{(*)}} | {{(*r)}} | {{(*g)}} | {{(*b)}} | {{(*y)}} |
Image | ![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Included from Help/WikiPlugin
A plugin is some PHP code that:
- lives in phpwiki/lib/plugin/<pluginname>.php
- implements the WikiPlugin interface by extending that class.
There are many plugins already distributed with PhpWiki. Simply look in the lib/plugin directory or see the PluginManager list or see all the Help/*Plugin pages.
To write your own, look at the Help:HelloWorldPlugin (HelloWorld.php
in that directory), which is a minimal example of a plugin.
A WikiPlugin allows one to easily add new types of dynamic content (as well as other functionality) to wiki pages within PhpWiki. In this very wiki all actions which are not entirely lowercased are implemented using plugins, and some lowercased convenience actions also (rename, revert, setacl, diff, ...)
Note that you can NOT extend the markup syntax with a plugin, as in other wiki engines.
Currently, one invokes a plugin by putting something like:
<<AllPages limit=20 cols=3>>
into a regular wiki-page. That particular example produces a list
of the first 20 existing pages in 3 columns, via the PageList library.
All pages in this wiki (376 total):
Plugins can take certain named arguments, most do. The values of these arguments can be determined four different ways. In order of precedence:
The plugin invocation can specify the value for an argument, like so:
<<BackLinks page=OtherPage>>
The argument can be specified via an HTTP query argument. This doesn't happen (is not allowed) unless the argument is mentioned in the plugin invocation:
<<BackLinks page>>
Default values specified in the plugin invocation:
<<BackLinks page||=OtherPage>>
The plugin must supply default values for each argument it uses. Such default args may be overriden by URL arguments like so:
(The BackLinks plugin uses the current page as the default value for the page argument.)
Most plugins using the
PageList library inherit their default arguments from the PageList.
Standard Arguments
Most plugins display a list of pages, via the PageList
library. PageList provides automatic support for those arguments.
info, exclude, author, owner, creator, sortby, limit, paging, cols, azhead, comma, commasep, ordered
For details see the PageList library documentation.
exclude and pages accept a list of pages. Either as comma-separated list,
supporting glob-style wildcards, or via the <!plugin-list pluginname [args] !>
invocation syntax, where pluginname might be any plugin returning a PageList.
Since most plugins return a PageList, this PageList is also a common input parameter for other plugins, actions or formats.
Basic Plugin Types
All these plugins derive from the WikiPlugin class extending the run method, which returns a object tree of HTML objects, and may react on any provided arguments from the WikiPage (see the args below) or optionally overridden by arguments from the url (GET or POST args), if defined via '||='.
A basic plugin just needs the run() method, and optionally getName,
getDescription, getDefaultArguments. See the
Help:HelloWorldPlugin for a short introduction.
plugin reacts on its arguments and the request and displays arbitrary HTML.
plugin-form is used to display a input type=text box for the default argument s.
plugin-list is used as argument to provide a dynamic list of pagenames.
<?plugin PluginName [args...] ?><?plugin-form PluginName [args...] ?><?plugin PluginName args=<!plugin-list pluginname [args...] !> ?>
The box Method
Themes based on the "sidebar" theme may use the box method of any plugin, which displays a title and a condensed content in a box.
Plugins deriving from the class WikiPluginCached must also define the methods getPluginType(), optionally getExpire(), managesValidators(), and dependent of the getPluginType the methods to display the possibly cached result.
getImage(), getMap() or getHtml(),
optionally also
getAlt(), getImageType(), embedMap(), embedImg(), embedObject()
See the config.ini PLUGIN_CACHED_* settings and WikiPluginCached
Action Pages
The term ActionPage refers to a page containing a plugin
invocation with the same or translated pluginname as the pagename.
An action is together with the pagename argument the basic
PhpWiki argument.
It can both be GET or POST actions. Actions are untranslated, always
English, pagenames can be localized.
Basic (and old) actions are all lowercase, like edit, browse, remove, ...
Newer actions in CamelCase are invoked via plugins on their
specific action page.
We decoupled actions from plugins via action pages for the following reasons:
- Support translated action buttons and customizable action descriptions.
- Customize standard actions by tuning the plugin invocation arguments. Override or add plugin defaults.
- Split simple plugins into multiple actions, like RecentChanges/RecentEdits, MostPopular/LeastPopular, AllPages/AllPagesCreatedByMe/AllPagesLastEditedByMe/ AllPagesOwnedByMe which differ only in one argument.
- Simplify the syntax for actions on another actions using a PageList as result of an actionpage as input parameter for another action or format.
- Those actions which have buttons or links in the theme or are referenced in the standard pgsrc pageset require their (possibly localized) actionpages, otherwise the actions will not work.
- If the localized actionpage is not found the english version is used.
- If no actionpage is found, it is recommended to do action=upgrade, which imports all missing and required action pages into the database.
So for a hypothetical new MyActionPage plugin MyActionPage will invoke the plugin and Help:MyActionPagePlugin should be the description page.
Existing Plugins
See PluginManager for a detailed list. Most plugins should have their own description page as subpage of Help/ with the name Plugin appended.
Included from Help/MagicPhpWikiURLs
About phpwiki: URLs
A special type of URL is available for making links to perform administrative and other special functions in PhpWiki. Here is a brief description of how they work.
The basic syntax of a phpwiki: URL is
If pagename is omitted it defaults to the current page.
Query-args should be a set of parameters in standard HTTP GET format.
The "action=x" parameter should almost always be given. It can be one of browse, diff, edit, viewsource, zip, dumpserial, loadserial, remove, lock, unlock, login, logout, setprefs or save. The default action is browse.
Some of the actions accept other parameters.
FullTextSearch, TitleSearch | Accepts s=search term, and size=input size. |
edit | Accepts version. |
remove | Accepts verify. |
save | Accepts editversion, minor_edit and content. |
setprefs | Accepts edit_area_width and edit_area_height. |
Writing Magic Links in Wiki Pages
A magic link looks like:
[[ text | phpwiki-url ]]
The "text |" is optional but usually recommended. If given it will provide the label for the link.
The phpwiki-url is a phpwiki: URL as described above.
Some examples
[[phpwiki:SandBox?action=edit|Edit the SandBox]]
will generate a link which will take you directly to editing the SandBox, like so: Edit the SandBox.
Other possibilities:
Writing Magic Forms in Wiki Pages
Note: The old syntax for Magic forms is no longer supported. They are superseded by <?plugin-form>.
If the plugin is called using <?plugin-form instead of <?plugin and the plugin supports searching, then it will be rendered as a form.
size | If given, specifies the size of the input area. |
s | Specifies the default value for the input. |
A search plugin invoked with <?plugin instead of <?plugin-form simply inserts the search results of the plugin:
<<TitleSearch s=wiki noheader=true limit=10>>
Search results for Page titles containing 'wiki':
- PhpWikiDocumentation
- PhpWikiManual
- PhpWikiPoll
- PhpWikiRecentChanges
- The PhpWiki programming team
- WikiBlog
- WikiWikiWeb
<?plugin-form FullTextSearch ?>
<?plugin-form TitleSearch formsize=12 ?>
Included from Help/MoreAboutMechanics
PhpWiki is written in the server-side scripting language PHP,
available from PHP resembles C and Perl in its
syntax, and functions much like ASP, EmbPerl or JSP.
PhpWiki consists of a dozen or so files of mixed PHP and HTML. The web
pages that make up a WikiWikiWeb based on PHP live in a database with
backup copies of previous versions of pages stored as well. (For the
database, PhpWiki works with DBM, MySQL, PostgreSQL or text files.)
Every time a user hits the site, the page requested is pulled from the database and rendered on the fly. The user only really ever requests the file index.php, which then decides which other PHP files to include.
Links to pages in the Wiki are automatically linked: FindPage. This might be the single most compelling aspect of a Wiki, the ability to add pages simply by linking to them. The next most compelling thing is how easily external URLs link, like this:
Combined with one namespace and a simple markup, a Wiki exhibits many
of the characteristics of WabiSabi.
PhpWiki is licensed under the GNU General Public license, which you
should be able to see here:
Included from Help/Wikicreole
Phpwiki allows you to use the Wikicreole syntax to edit your wiki pages.
We have implemented most of Wikicreole 1.0 and Wikicreole 1.0 additions. What is implemented is described below.
Complete information about Wikicreole can be found at:
Cheat Sheet from Wikicreole web site
Text formatting
Bold text is made using two stars:
This sentence contains **words in bold**.
This sentence contains words in bold.
Italics text is made using two slashes:
This sentence contains //words in italics//.
This sentence contains words in italics.
Underline text is made using two underscores:
This sentence contains __underlined text__.
This sentence contains underlined text.
Monospace text is made using two hashes:
This sentence contains ##monospace text##.
This sentence contains monospace text.
Superscript text is made using two carets:
The XX^^th^^ century.
The XXth century.
Subscript text is made using two commas:
Water is H,,2,,O.
Water is H2O.
Headers start on a new line with two or more equal signs (up to six) followed the header text.
Optional equal signs can be put at the end of the line (to be compatible with Mediawiki syntax). They are ignored.
The content of the headers is parsed, allowing for instance to use subscript and superscript text. (The header content parsing is optional in Wikicreole.)
~== First level of header (h2 in HTML) == ~=== Second level of header (h3 in HTML) === ~==== Third level of header (h4 in HTML)
Simple link
This is a [[link]].
This is a link.
Link with alternate text
This is a [[link|link with alternate text]].
This is a link with alternate text.
External link (URL)
Raw external link (URL)
External link with alternate text
[[|Visit the Wikicreole website]]
Paragraphs are made of text separated by a blank line.
Line breaks
A line break is made with two backslashes.
This is the first line,\\and this is the second.
This is the first line,
and this is the second.
Unordered lists
* Item 1 * Item 2 ** Item 2.1 ** Item 2.2 * Item 3
- Item 1
Item 2
- Item 2.1
- Item 2.2
- Item 3
Ordered lists
# Item 1 # Item 2 ## Item 2.1 ## Item 2.2 # Item 3
- Item 1
Item 2
- Item 2.1
- Item 2.2
- Item 3
Horizontal rule
A horizontal rule is made with four hyphens (or more)
A inline image is created with curly brackets. An alternate text can be put after a pipe. If there is none, an empty alternate text will be created.
{{myimage.png|this is my image}}
All cells are separated by single pipes. Leading spaces are permitted before the first cell of a row and trailing spaces are permitted at the end of a line. The ending pipe is optional. You can embed links, bold, italics, line breaks, and nowiki in table cells. Equal sign directly following pipe defines a header. Headers can be arranged horizontally or vertically.
|=Heading Col 1 |=Heading Col 2 | |Cell 1.1 |Two lines\\in Cell 1.2 | |Cell 2.1 |Cell 2.2 |
Heading Col 1 | Heading Col 2 |
Cell 1.1 | Two lines in Cell 1.2 |
Cell 2.1 | Cell 2.2 |
Between three opening curly brackets and three closing curly brackets, no wiki markup is interpreted.
//This// does **not** get [[formatted]]
Some examples of markup are: {{{** <i>this</i> ** }}}
Some examples of markup are: ** <i>this</i> **
Escape character
The escape character is the tilde.
It escapes the character immediately following it.
It disables the automatic conversion of the URL immediately following it.
It disables camel case in the word following it.
Plugins use double angle brackets.
<<CurrentTime format="date">>2025-03-09
Included from Help/TextFormattingRules
Emphasis: // for italics, ** for bold, **//...//** for both, ## for fixed width.
Lists: * for bullet lists, # for numbered lists; use multiple * or # for nested lists.
Headings: "==", "===", "====", etc. make headings.
Preformatted text: Enclose text in {{{...}}} or <pre></pre>.
Indented text: Indent the paragraph with whitespaces.
References: use double square brackets for a [[page link]] or URL [[]].
References: use pipe | to name the links: [[page link|some text]] or [[|some text]].
Preventing linking: Prefix with "~": ~DoNotHyperlink.
Misc: "\\" makes a linebreak, "----" makes a horizontal rule.
Allowed HTML tags: b big i
small tt em strong
s strike
abbr acronym cite
dfn kbd samp
var sup sub
More: tables,
table of contents,
More explanations: Help:TextFormattingRules
Character Formatting
- Use a double slash (//) for emphasis (usually italics)
- Use a double asterisk (**) for strong emphasis (usually bold)
- Mix them at will: bold italics
- Emphasis can be used multiple times within a paragraph, but cannot cross paragraph boundaries:
// this
will not work//
Monospace text is made using two hashes:
This sentence contains ##monospace text##.
This sentence contains monospace text.
Superscript text is made using two carets:
The XX^^th^^ century.
The XXth century.
Subscript text is made using two commas:
Water is H,,2,,O.
Water is H2O.
There's no syntax for font tags.
Color Text
It is possible to write text in color.
%color=green% green text %% and back to normal
will give:
green text and back to normal
The easiest way to do it is to use the COLOR button in the Edit Toolbar. The text will be in green by default. You can then change the color.
Allowed colors are:
- an HTML color number (# followed by 3 or 6 digits),
- the following predefined color names:
aqua |
beige |
black |
blue |
brown |
chocolate |
cyan |
fuchsia |
gold |
gray |
green |
ivory |
indigo |
lime |
magenta |
maroon |
navy |
olive |
orange |
pink |
purple |
red |
salmon |
silver |
snow |
teal |
turquoise |
violet |
white |
yellow |
Note: you can put the headers in color, but only if you do not have a table of content. For now, the table of content is incompatible with color headers.
Escape Character
The tilde '~' is the Escape Character:
- A single tilde '~' followed by nothing gets rendered as a single tilde. => ~
- Two tilde '~~' get rendered as a single tilde. => ~
- A single tilde before a link ('~') prevents linking. =>
- Two tildes before a link ('~~') produce a tilde followed by the hyperlinked URL. => ~
- A tilde inside an URL gets removed, unless it's formatted inside square brackets.
- Two tildes inside an URL (without brackets) become a single tilde. => or
Special Characters
All special non-whitespace HTML characters are displayed as-is. Exceptions below.
- Don't indent paragraphs
- Words wrap and fill as needed
- Use blank lines as separators
- Four or more minus signs make a horizontal rule
- "\\", "%%%" or "<br>" makes a linebreak (in headings and lists too)
Unordered lists
Recommended syntax (Wikicreole):
- asterisk for first level
- double asterisk for second level, etc.
Be sure to put a space after the asterisk.
You can also use indented asterisk for second level (indent at least two spaces).
Ordered lists
Recommended syntax (Wikicreole):
- # for first level
- double # for second level, etc.
Be sure to put a space after the hash sign.
You can also use indented # for second level (indent at least two spaces).
Definition lists
Term: definition
- Term
- definition
Items may contain multiple paragraphs and other multi-lined content, just indent the items
Wikicreole syntax (recommended)
- '==' at the start of a line makes a large heading (h2)
- '===' at the start of a line makes a medium heading (h3)
- '====' at the start of a line makes a small heading (h4)
- '=====' at the start of a line makes a smaller heading (h5)
- '======' at the start of a line makes a tiny heading (h6)
Classic Phpwiki syntax
- '!!!' at the start of a line makes a large heading (h2)
- '!!' at the start of a line makes a medium heading (h3)
- '!' at the start of a line makes a small heading (h4)
Preformatted text
Place the preformatted text between three opening curly brackets and three closing curly brackets:
{{{ Preformatted text. ~WikiLinks do not work. }}}
Preformatted text. WikiLinks do not work.
If you want Wiki interaction, place preformatted lines inside <pre>:
<pre> Preformatted text. WikiLinks still work. </pre>
Preformatted text. WikiLinks still work.
Indented Paragraphs
Two or more whitespaces signal indented text. Indents may be nested.
This is an indented block of text.
This block is even more indented.
E-mail style block-quoting is supported as well:
> This is block-quoted text.
renders as
This is block-quoted text.
- Hyperlinks to other pages within the Wiki are made by placing the page name in double square brackets: this is a page link. Single brackets or WikiWords will also work.
- Hyperlinks to external pages are done like this:
- You can name the links by providing the hyperlink or pagename, a pipe (|) and then the name:
PhpWiki home page, the front page
- You can suppress linking to URIs by preceding the word with a '~', e.g. NotLinkedAsWikiName,
- Also, the old way of linking URL's is still supported: precede URLs
with "http:", "ftp:" or "mailto:" to
create links automatically as in:
- URLs ending with .png, .gif, or .jpg are inlined if in square brackets, by themselves:
- You can create footnotes by using [1], [2], [3], ... like this here #[|ftnt
_ref_1][1]. See footnote for counterpart. (If the [ is in the first column, it is a footnote definition rather than a footnote
reference [1].)
In-page hyperlinks are made by placing a named anchor and referring to the anchor in a hyperlink:
Named anchors:
- #[[foo]]: An anchor around the text "foo" with id "foo".
- #[[|foo]]: An empty anchor with id "foo".
- #[[howdy|foo]]: An anchor around the text "howdy" with id "foo".
- References to name anchors are made thusly:
[[#hyperlinks]], [[OtherPage#foo]], [[OtherPage#foo|named]].
- Semantic links are named links like: is_a::WikiPage and attributes like size:-4000.
- A pagelink within square brackets starting with ":" is not backlinked.
An inline image is created with curly brackets. An alternate text can be put after a pipe. If there is none, an empty alternate text will be created.
{{myimage.png}} {{myimage.png|this is the alt text for my image}} [[some link|{{myimage.png}}]] - if you click on the image, will goto "some link" [[some link|{{myimage.png|alt text}}]] - same with alternative [[|{{myimage.png}}]] - same as above: picture links to url [[|{{myimage.png|alt text}}]] - same with alternative
Wikicreole tables
All cells are separated by single pipes. Leading spaces are permitted before the first cell of a row and trailing spaces are permitted at the end of a line. The ending pipe is optional.
You can embed links, bold, italics, line breaks, and nowiki in table cells.
Equal sign directly following pipe defines a header. Headers can be arranged horizontally or vertically.
|=Heading Col 1 |=Heading Col 2 | |Cell 1.1 |Two lines\\in Cell 1.2 | |Cell 2.1 |Cell 2.2 |
will give:
Heading Col 1 | Heading Col 2 |
Cell 1.1 | Two lines in Cell 1.2 |
Cell 2.1 | Cell 2.2 |
Mediawiki tables
See Help:MediawikiTablePlugin.
Definition list style tables
Definition list style tables are written just like definition lists, except that you replace the trailing colon on the term with a "pipe" (|).
Term 1 | Definition 1 begins here. Term 1.1 | Definition 1.1 Term 1.2 | Definition 1.2 This is part of definition 1. Term 2 | Here's definition 2.
will give:
Term 1 | Definition 1 begins here. |
Term 1.1 | Definition 1.1 | |
Term 1.2 | Definition 1.2 | |
This is part of definition 1. |
Term 2 | Here's definition 2. |
Old-style tables
HTML Mark-Up Language
- Some in-line markup is allowed through the use of HTML tags:
b, big, i, small,
tt, em, strong,
abbr, acronym, cite,
, dfn, kbd, samp, var, sup and sub - < and > are themselves
- The & characters will not work
Creating various kinds of special links
See Help:MagicPhpWikiURLs for gory details on how to write various kind
of wiki maintenance and other special links.
Inserting plugins
Several plugins permit embedding additional functionality to Wiki pages. For example,
<<BackLinks page=HomePage info=hits>>
Page Name![]() |
Hits![]() |
Help/EditMetaDataPlugin | 30 |
Help/RandomPagePlugin | 28 |
Help/PopUpPlugin | 27 |
Help/TextFormattingRules | 43 |
Help/UserRatingsPlugin | 29 |
Help/RedirectToPlugin | 28 |
Help/RichTablePlugin | 42 |
Help/NewMarkupTestPage | 222 |
Help/OldMarkupTestPage | 200 |
Help/OldTextFormattingRules | 236 |
For more information on plugins see Help:WikiPlugin, and PluginManager for a list of all plugins.
Included from Help/PagePermissions
Full recursive ACL page permissions support (Solaris / Windows style)
Boolean permissions per page and action (granted or denied) based on the current users
group membership is implemented with ACL's (Access Control Lists).
Opposed to the simplier unix like ugo:rwx system.
The previous system was only based on action and current user, independent of pages.
A individual page permission may be inherited from its parent pages, and
from an optional master page ("." or _dotpage').
Use predefined default permissions, if a "." page does not exist.
Pagenames starting with "." have tighter default permissions. (edit, change, list disallowed)
Order of Evaluation (denial overrides granted, or vice versa?)
The array of permissions is evaluated from top to bottom.
Access is granted if the next matching group membership returns true, denied if false.
If the group membership is false, the next group is tried.
If no group membership matches the upper permissions are tried recursively:
current page => basepage => "." page => default perms.
If no group-perm pair grants access, access is denied.
Consider the following perm:
'change' => array(ACL_ADMIN => false, ACL_OWNER => true));
=> "Members of ADMIN may not change, the owner may change."
For Authentication see WikiUser.php, WikiGroup.php and main.php
I suspect ACL page permissions to degrade performance by 10%
- Enable/Disable it in config/config.ini
The defined (and extendable) main.php actions map to simplier access types:
browse => view edit => edit create => edit or create remove => remove rename => change store prefs => change list in PageList => list
For simplicity we also map the ACL to the posix-style owner, group and world groups and read, write, execute perms, in cygwin fashion.
Groups - definition of group membership
See WikiGroup how to enable and where to store user-specific group membership. Group methods: database, file, ldap, wikipage, none
To do: explain better.
The following special groups are always predefined, even if no other group methods are provided:
Those special groups are stored in a page acl as locale-independent string.
To do: See the available translations for these special groups.
Other group names are safed as defined by the group methods. (e.g. "Other Users")
Perms - mapping of actions to permissions
PhpWiki supports individual actions, the default is browse. To simplify ACL's these actions are mapped to some special permissions (vulgo 'perms').
We currently support the following permissions which can be stored in every page, for every group.
list | List this page and all subpages (for PageList) |
view | View this page and all subpages |
edit | Edit this page and all subpages |
create | Create a new (sub)page |
dump | Download the page contents |
change | Change page attributes |
remove | Remove this page |
There are no plans to support additional custom perms. The API can handle that, but there's no UI, and it would be only specific for certain plugins, which check permissions by their own.
Action <=> Perm mapping
Those perms are mapped to those actions. Action Pages (plugins) check their access restrictions by themselves.
list | none, 'list' is checked for every pagename listed in PageList, to prevent from being listed in AllPages. |
view | browse, viewsource, diff, select, xmlrpc, search, pdf |
dump | zip, ziphtml, dumpserial, dumphtml |
edit | revert, edit |
create | edit or create, if the page doesn't exist yet |
change | upload, loadfile, remove, lock, unlock, upgrade, chown, setacl, setaclsimple, rename. All other actionpages which are not wikiwords. |
Default Permissions
$perm = array('view' => array(ACL_EVERY => true), 'edit' => array(ACL_EVERY => true), 'create' => array(ACL_EVERY => true), 'list' => array(ACL_EVERY => true), 'remove' => array(ACL_ADMIN => true, ACL_OWNER => true), 'change' => array(ACL_ADMIN => true, ACL_OWNER => true)); if (ZIPDUMP_AUTH) $perm['dump'] = array(ACL_ADMIN => true, ACL_OWNER => true); else $perm['dump'] = array(ACL_EVERY => true); // view: if (!ALLOW_ANON_USER) { if (!ALLOW_USER_PASSWORDS) $perm['view'] = array(ACL_SIGNED => true); else $perm['view'] = array(ACL_AUTHENTICATED => true); $perm['view'][ACL_BOGOUSER] = ALLOW_BOGO_LOGIN ? true : false; } // edit: if (!ALLOW_ANON_EDIT) { if (!ALLOW_USER_PASSWORDS) $perm['edit'] = array(ACL_SIGNED => true); else $perm['edit'] = array(ACL_AUTHENTICATED => true); $perm['edit'][ACL_BOGOUSER] = ALLOW_BOGO_LOGIN ? true : false; $perm['create'] = $perm['edit']; } return $perm;
Included from Help/SemanticRelations
The PhpWiki SemanticWeb implementation follows closely the implementation of the semantic Mediawiki extension. It features:
- Annotation of article-article-links by means of configurable relations (link-types).
- Annotation of articles with simple data-values that are assigned to numeric attributes.
- Support for using physical units of measurement in all numerical attributes, without need for prior configuration.
Relations can be searched for with regular expressions, attributes can be searched for with full mathematical expressions.
The annotation data will be combined with annotations from the current category system to generate standard-compliant OWL/RDF output, which can be fully processed with tools that support OWL DL or OWL Lite, but which can also be treated in a meaningful way by software that supports RDF, RDFS or XML.
Relations (link-types) are defined as link with the following syntax:
Attributes are defined as link to numbers (understandable by
GNU Units) with
the following markup syntax:
Attributes and relations refer only to the current page - the current page is the subject, the relation the predicate, the linked page the object in a RDF triple. Relations always refer to another page, attributes not.
Sample taken from
San Diego [[is_a::city]] located in the southwestern corner of [[located_in::California|California]], the extreme southwestern corner of the [[country::United States|United States]]. It is the county seat of San Diego County. As of the 2000 census, the city had a total population of [[population:=1,223,400|1,223,400]]; as of 2005, the California Department of Finance estimated the city to have 1,305,736 residents. The city is the second-largest in California and the seventh-largest in the United States and is noted for its temperate climate and many beaches. According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of [[area:=963.6 km^2|963.6 km²]] (372.0 mi²). 840.0 km² (324.3 mi²) of it is land and 123.5 km² (47.7 mi²) of it is water. The total area is 12.82% water. Most notably, San Diego is the location of the 2005 International Symposium on Wikis 2005, and the San Diego Zoo, and the San Diego Chargers. <<SemanticRelations>>
See Also
Included from Help/Spreadsheet
Phpwiki has extended the Wikicreole syntax of tables so that some simple
spreadsheet-like calculations can be performed in tables.
Five functions are available: SUM, AVERAGE, MAX, MIN and COUNT.
They operate on the current row (R) or column (C).
The function is placed in the cell surrounded by @@. Other wiki text can be placed in the cell, but there can be only one formula per cell.
Formula |
Meaning |
@@=SUM(R)@@ |
Sum of cells in current row |
@@=SUM(C)@@ |
Sum of cells in current column |
@@=AVERAGE(R)@@ |
Average of cells in current row |
@@=AVERAGE(C)@@ |
Average of cells in current column |
@@=MAX(R)@@ |
Maximum value of cells in current row |
@@=MAX(C)@@ |
Maximum value of cells in current column |
@@=MIN(R)@@ |
Minimum value of cells in current row |
@@=MIN(C)@@ |
Minimum value of cells in current column |
@@=COUNT(R)@@ |
Number of cells in current row (numeric or not, excluding headers and current cell) |
@@=COUNT(C)@@ |
Number of cells in current column (numeric or not, excluding headers and current cell) |
|=Region |=Telecom Sales |=Power Sales |=Other |=TOTAL | |=Europe | 320 | 80 | 120 |@@=SUM(R)@@ | |=Asia | 580 | 723 | 564 |@@=SUM(R)@@ | |=North America | 235 | 60 | 109 |@@=SUM(R)@@ | |=South America | 120 | 35 | 82 |@@=SUM(R)@@ | |=Antarctica | 0 | 0 | 12 |@@=SUM(R)@@ | |=TOTAL | @@=SUM(C)@@ | @@=SUM(C)@@ | @@=SUM(C)@@ |Grand total: @@=SUM(R)@@ |
Region | Telecom Sales | Power Sales | Other | TOTAL |
Europe | 320 | 80 | 120 | 520 |
Asia | 580 | 723 | 564 | 1867 |
North America | 235 | 60 | 109 | 404 |
South America | 120 | 35 | 82 | 237 |
Antarctica | 0 | 0 | 12 | 12 |
TOTAL | 1255 | 898 | 887 | Grand total: 3040 |
Total of both colums and rows is calculated automatically by wiki.
Count and Sum
|=Bug |=Priority |=Subject |=Status |=Days to fix | 1231 | Low | File Open ... | Open | 3 | 1232 | High | Memory Window ... | Fixed | 2 | 1233 | Medium | Usability issue ... | Assigned | 5 | 1234 | High | No arrange ... | Fixed | 1 | Number of bugs: @@=COUNT(C)@@ | | | | Total: @@=SUM(C)@@ days
Bug | Priority | Subject | Status | Days to fix |
1231 | Low | File Open ... | Open | 3 |
1232 | High | Memory Window ... | Fixed | 2 |
1233 | Medium | Usability issue ... | Assigned | 5 |
1234 | High | No arrange ... | Fixed | 1 |
Number of bugs: 4 | Total: 11 days |
Min, Max and Average
|=Location |=Morning |=Noon |=Evening |=Average temperature | | Paris | 7 | 13 | 10 | @@=AVERAGE(R)@@ | | London | 3 | 10 | 8 | @@=AVERAGE(R)@@ | | Berlin | 9 | 15 | 12 | @@=AVERAGE(R)@@ | | Tokyo | 12 | 20 | 16 | @@=AVERAGE(R)@@ | | Maximum temperature | @@=MAX(C)@@ | @@=MAX(C)@@ | @@=MAX(C)@@ | | | Minimum temperature | @@=MIN(C)@@ | @@=MIN(C)@@ | @@=MIN(C)@@ | |
Location | Morning | Noon | Evening | Average temperature |
Paris | 7 | 13 | 10 | 10 |
London | 3 | 10 | 8 | 7 |
Berlin | 9 | 15 | 12 | 12 |
Tokyo | 12 | 20 | 16 | 16 |
Maximum temperature | 12 | 20 | 16 | |
Minimum temperature | 3 | 10 | 8 |
The formulas are evaluated line per line, from left to right.
So this will work:
| 10 | -13 | @@=SUM(R)@@ | | 15 | 17 | @@=SUM(R)@@ | | @@=SUM(C)@@ | @@=SUM(C)@@ | @@=SUM(R)@@ |
10 | -13 | -3 |
15 | 17 | 32 |
25 | 4 | 29 |
And this will not:
| @@=SUM(R)@@ | 10 | -13 | | @@=SUM(R)@@ | 15 | 17 | | @@=SUM(R)@@ | @@=SUM(C)@@ | @@=SUM(C)@@ |
-3 | 10 | -13 |
32 | 15 | 17 |
0 | 25 | 4 |
- Marc-Etienne Vargenau, Alcatel-Lucent
The PageList library allows to list a number of pagenames, optionally as table with various columns.
This library relieves some work for these plugins:
- AllPages,
- BackLinks,
- LikePages,
- MostPopular,
- TitleSearch,
- WikiAdmin* and more.
It also allows dynamic expansion of those plugins to include more columns in their output.
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
info |
Which columns to display |
pagename |
exclude |
Which pages to exclude. Wildcards, comma-separated lists and <!plugin-list !> arrays allowed. |
none |
author |
Select pages by author; current user by [] |
false |
owner |
Select pages by owner; current user by [] |
false |
creator |
Select pages by creator; current user by [] |
false |
sortby |
Select column to sort |
none |
limit |
Number of rows, or start index and number of rows (see below) |
50 |
paging |
auto (top + bottom rows if applicable) |
auto |
cols |
side-by-side display of list (1-3) |
1 |
azhead |
1: group by initials |
0 |
comma |
Condensed comma-separated list, 1 if without links, 2 if with |
0 |
commasep |
Comma separator |
', ' |
listtype |
ul, ol, dl, comma |
ul |
ordered |
OL or just UL lists (ignored for comma) |
false |
linkmore |
If count > 0 and limit > 0, display a link with the number of all results, linked to the given pagename. |
none |
nopage |
for info=col omit the pagename column |
false |
Note for limit
limit can be:
- a single integer, in that case it is the number of rows;
- or two integers separated by a comma, in that case it is the start index (starting at 0) and the number of rows.
Info arguments
Column 'info=' arguments:
pagename | Page Name (string regex) |
mtime | Last Modified |
hits | Hits |
summary | Last Summary |
version | Version |
author | Last Author |
locked | Locked |
external | External |
minor | Minor Edit |
size | Size |
creator | Creator |
owner | Owner |
checkbox | Selectable checkbox at the left |
content | Page content |
perm | Permission Mask |
acl | ACL |
Special, custom columns, either theme or plugin (WikiAdmin*) specific:
remove | Remove |
renamed_pagename | Rename to |
ratingwidget | wikilens theme specific. |
custom | See plugin WikiTranslation |
Symbolic 'info=' arguments:
all | All columns except the special columns |
most | pagename, mtime, author, hits |
some | pagename, mtime, author |
Included from Help/Advice for Mediawiki users
If you contribute to Wikipedia or to other wikis that use the Mediawiki software, you will notice some differences in the wiki syntax of Mediawiki and the wiki syntax of Phpwiki.
Syntax differences
Here are some differences between Mediawiki and Phpwiki:
- Italics are // (but you can also use '' like in Wikipedia)
- Bold is ** (you cannot use ''' like in Wikipedia)
- Line break is \\ in Wikicreole, <br /> in Mediawiki
- There is no automatic capitalisation of first character of page name. Pages [[foo]] and [[Foo]] are different.
- A space in a page name in not equivalent to an underscore. Pages [[foo bar]] and [[foo_bar]] are different. We recommend to use a space in the page names.
- Many things that are built-in in Mediawiki use plugins in Phpwiki (table of contents, redirections, back links, etc.).
- Redirections are less sophisticated in Phpwiki (e.g. backlinks do not show redirected pages)
You can use the Mediawiki table syntax.
Included from Help/AddCommentPlugin
The AddComment plugin lets users attach comments to the end of a page.
Change the layout via the templates comment.tmpl and addcomment.tmpl, and the CSS classes
wikicomment, wikicomment-header, wikicomment-body, wikicomment-footer.
<<AddComment order||=normal jshide||=0 mode||=show,add noheader||=0>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
jshide |
Boolean. If true, the comments and/or textbox should be initially hidden and on click expanded. |
false |
order |
List comments in chronological (order=normal) or reverse order (order=reverse). |
normal |
mode |
List of “add” and/or “show”. |
add,show |
noheader |
Boolean. If true, the “Comments” header should be omitted. |
false |
pagename |
Attach to which page? |
current pagename |
Known Problems
- jshide does not work yet. Not very well tested.
Included from Help/AllPagesPlugin
The AllPages plugin lists all pages in this wiki.
<<AllPages arguments>>
All PageList arguments, plus the following ones:
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
noheader |
Boolean. If true, header should be omitted. |
false |
include_empty |
Boolean. If true, pages that are referenced but not yet created are included in the list. |
false |
info |
Allows multiple columns: info=mtime,hits,summary,version,author,locked,minor or all |
empty |
userpages |
Boolean. If true, display only pages created by users (not the ones created at initialisation of the wiki). |
false |
<<AllPages limit=20 cols=3>>
All pages in this wiki (376 total):
See Also
Included from Help/AllUsersPlugin
The AllUsers plugin lists all once authenticated users.
<<AllUsers arguments>>
All PageList arguments, plus the following ones:
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
noheader |
Boolean. If true, header should be omitted. |
false |
include_empty |
Boolean. If true, shows also users which stored their preferences, but never saved their homepage. |
true |
<<AllUsers limit=10>>
Authenticated users on this wiki (0 total):
No matches
See Also
Included from Help/AnalyseAccessLogSqlPlugin
The AnalyseAccessLogSql plugin provides a framework to analyse the SQL access log
and display the results.
This information may be sensitive and therefore this plugin is limited to
administrator access only.
A small number of queries that may (or might not) use the MySQL specific dialect of SQL are provided in lib/plugin/AnalyseAccessLogSql.php. For more information, please see the section Adding new queries below.
Experimental! Will change a lot.
<<AnalyseAccessLogSql mode=<QUERY NAME> >>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
mode |
The name of the query to execute. See Adding new queries below. Required parameter. |
referring_domains |
period |
Use in combination with the count parameter. The type of history period to retrieve from the SQL access log. Blank (the default) for all history, or one of “weeks”, “days”, “hours”, or “minutes”. |
blank |
count |
Use in combination with the period parameter. Must be a number. The number of periods to retrieve from the access log. |
0 |
caption |
The value of this parameter is used as the caption for the output. If not set, the caption on the table defaults to the mode. |
blank |
center |
If set, the table is centered on the page, otherwise left justified. |
debugShowQuery |
If set, the SQL will be displayed in the table footer. Useful while debugging new queries or just for interest. |
user |
Blank (the default) to retrieve all users, or a specific user, or “<NONE>” for SQL access log entries with no user. |
host |
Blank (the default) to retrieve all remote_hosts, or a specific host. |
referrer |
Blank (the default) to retrieve all referrers, “<NONE>” to retrieve entries with no referrer, otherwise any referrer that matches this parameter, truncating longer referrers before matching. So a parameter of referrer='http:localhost' will match 'http:localhost/wiki/index.php', 'http://localhost/wiki/index.php/HomePage' etc. |
local_referrers |
If set (the default), return all referrers. If not set, return only external referring sites, excluding references from within the wiki. |
true |
Adding new queries
The file lib/plugin/AnalyseAccessLogSql.php contains a default set of queries against the SQL access log. Feel free to change this file to suit your own needs, but please note that this requires filesystem access to the web server where PhpWiki is running. In particular, this file may need to be modified to correctly query databases other than MySQL. The queries supplied by default are: “Referring URLs”, “Referring Domains”, “Remote Hosts”, “Users” and “Host Users”.
To add a new query, add a new section towards the end of the file, using one of the existing queries as a template. An example of an existing query is:
} elseif ($mode=="Users") { $query = "SELECT " ."remote_user AS User, " ."count(*) AS 'Access Count' " ."FROM $accesslog " .($whereConditions ? 'WHERE '.$whereConditions : '') ."GROUP BY User";
If you do add a query, please consider contributing it back to the PhpWiki project at
API for AnalyseAccessLogSql
input arguments:
- $mode contains the name of the query requested in the plugin parameters.
- $accesslog contains the qualified name of the accesslog table, which may or may not be equal to “accesslog”.
- $whereConditions contains the conditions (specific user, etc.) requested in the plugin parameters.
- $query must contain the final SQL query to be executed.
While constructing the query string,
- each clause is on a separate line and
- each clause contains the required trailing punctuation or space.
- The mode parameter is, by default, displayed as the caption in the final output, so please choose a user friendly name.
- The column names displayed on the wiki page are generated from the SQL column names defined in the queries, so please choose user friendly names. MySQL allows column names to include spaces. If spaces are not allowed, then “_” is probably the next best choice.
language hints for PHP newbies - please remember:
- terminate statements with “;”,
- assignment uses “=” and comparison uses “==”,
- concatenate strings using the “.” operator,
- the parentheses around the expression “($whereConditions ? 'WHERE '.$whereConditions : )=” are essential,
- strings enclosed in single quotes may not contain substrings enclosed in single quotes (actually the truth is more complex but let's leave it like that here), and
- strings enclosed in double quotes will evaluate and replace variable names so that, for example, "FROM $accesslog" might be evaluated to "FROM phpwiki_accesslog".
- Charles Corrigan
- Changes by
Reini Urban
Included from Help/AppendTextPlugin
AppendText is a plugin to automatically add text to a page. For general
usage better use the
AddComment plugin.
<<AppendText arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
page |
Append to which page |
Current page. |
pages |
Append to multiple pages |
none |
s |
What text to add. Note: A \n is always prepended. |
before |
(Optional) Add before the matching line beginning with before. |
after |
(Optional) Add after the matching line beginning with after. |
redirect |
Boolean. If true, redirect to modified page. |
false |
Add from a list of all available plugins one to the current page
<<WikiFormRich action=AppendText buttontext="AddPlugin" pulldown[] name=s text="Plugins: " value=<!plugin-list BackLinks page=CategoryWikiPlugin !> >>
Add from a list of all available Categories to the current page
<<WikiFormRich action=AppendText buttontext="AddCategory" pulldown[] name=s text="Categories: " value=<!plugin-list TitleSearch s=Category !> >>
Included from Help/AsciiMathPlugin
<<AsciiMath formula >>
All arguments are passed to the
ASCII Math PHP library
and rendered as
Math ML.
<<AsciiMath sum_(i=1)^n i = (n(n+1))/2 >>
See Also
Included from Help/AsciiSVGPlugin
The AsciiSVGPlugin plugin is an interface to
The browser must support SVG in order graphs to be displayed. If you are using a recent browser (Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari) then you should see the examples.
<<AsciiSVG width= height= onmousemove="" script="" code... >>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
height |
graph width |
200 |
height |
graph height |
200 |
script |
One line script. |
false |
onmousemove |
false |
All other arguments are passed to the ASCIISvg javascript library and rendered as SVG.
<<AsciiSVG width="117" height="117" initPicture(-10,10) axes() stroke = "red" p = [] with (Math) for (t = 0; t < 10.01; t += 0.05) p[p.length] = [t*cos(PI*t), t*sin(PI*t)] path(p) >>
Known Problems
With multiple AsciiSVG plugins on the same page the second and subsequent ones will have the same width and height.
See Also
Included from Help/AtomFeedPlugin
The AtomFeed plugin displays an external Atom feed.
<<AtomFeed url=>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
url |
Atom feed URL |
empty |
feed |
Name of the Atom feed |
empty |
description |
Description of the feed. |
empty |
maxitem |
Max. number of entries (0 = unlimited) |
0 |
titleonly |
Boolean. If true, only displays the title of the entry. |
false |
Atom feed for PHP News
<<AtomFeed feed=PHPNews description="PHP News" url= titleonly=true maxitem=5>>
- Sébastien Le Callonnec
Included from Help/AuthorHistoryPlugin
The AuthorHistory plugin allows you to list the history of edits by a particular
author; you can specify the page name as well (default is the current page).
<<AuthorHistory arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
exclude |
Comma-separated list of pages to exclude |
empty |
noheader |
Boolean. If true, page header should be omitted. |
false |
includeminor |
Boolean. If true, include minor modifications. |
false |
includedeleted |
Boolean. If true, include deleted pages. |
false |
author |
Display modification by this author |
Current user |
page |
Give a page name or "all" (list all pages with edits by this user) |
Current page |
info |
Info to display in the table |
version, minor, author, summary, mtime |
<<AuthorHistory page=HomePage includeminor=1>>
<<AuthorHistory page=all>>
Included from Help/BackLinksPlugin
The BackLinks plugin lists all pages which link to a given page.
The contents of all pages are searched to find links to the current page. The BackLinks function also answers the question: “Which pages contain the title of this page?”.
To display the list of pages which all contain multiple links use a pagelist as page argument. For example <<BackLinks page=Milk,Honey>> would display all pages which contain links to Milk AND Honey.
<<BackLinks arguments>>
All PageList arguments, plus the following ones:
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
page |
Page from which the back links are calculated. |
Current page |
include_self |
Boolean. If true, include yourself in the results. |
false |
noheader |
Boolean. If true, header should be omitted. |
false |
linkmore |
If count > 0 and limit > 0 display a link with the number of all results, linked to the given pagename. |
<<BackLinks page=HomePage>>
11 pages link to HomePage:
- Help/OldTextFormattingRules
- Help/OldMarkupTestPage
- Help/NewMarkupTestPage
- Help/RichTablePlugin
- Help/RedirectToPlugin
- Help/UserRatingsPlugin
- Help/TextFormattingRules
- Help/PopUpPlugin
- Help/RandomPagePlugin
- Help/EditMetaDataPlugin
Known Problems
Back links might not work if the link is in text generated by a plugin. Prior to PhpWiki 1.6.2, back links did not work if the link was inside a table, or in an included template,
See Also
Included from Help/BlogArchivesPlugin
The BlogArchives plugin lists monthly links for the current users blog if signed, or the ADMIN_USER's blog if not.
<<BlogArchives arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
user |
Blog of given user |
empty |
month |
List the blog titles per month |
empty |
<<BlogArchives user="John Smith">>
See Also
Included from Help/BlogJournalPlugin
The BlogJournal plugin includes the latest blog entries for the current users blog if signed, or the ADMIN_USER's blog if not.
<<BlogJournal arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
count |
Number of entries |
empty |
user |
Blog of given user |
empty |
month |
List the blog titles per month |
empty |
No Blog Entries
New entryAuthor
See Also
Included from Help/BoxRightPlugin
The BoxRight plugin displays its content as a wiki-formatted
right-floating div box with border.
<<BoxRight **This Wiki** ([[Help:WikiWikiWeb|What is a Wiki?]]) is a place where problems and solutions are being documented. See [[Help/HowToUseWiki|How to use this Wiki]] for instructions. //Don't be afraid - it's easy and you can't break anything!//
This Wiki (What is a Wiki?) is a place where problems and solutions are being documented.
See How to use this Wiki for instructions.
Don't be afraid - it's easy and you can't break anything!
If ENABLE_MARKUP_DIVSPAN is enabled then you can produce the same result with a simple <div>:
<div class=boxright> **This Wiki** ([[Help:WikiWikiWeb|What is a Wiki?]]) is a place where problems and solutions are being documented. See [[Help/HowToUseWiki|How to use this Wiki]] for instructions. //Don't be afraid - it's easy and you can't break anything!// </div>
Included from Help/CacheTestPlugin
The CacheTest plugin allows to test image caching.
<<CacheTest arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
text |
Text in image |
This is a simple example using WikiPluginCached. |
font |
3 |
type |
png |
- Johannes Große
Included from Help/CalendarListPlugin
The CalendarList plugin is used in conjunction with the
Calendar plugin.
It was written for those who use a wiki as a personal information manager.
Just click any date in the calendar, edit the for that date, then come back to this page. The event should be listed below the calendar.
<<Calendar>> <<CalendarList>>
Click any date and edit it, then return to this page:
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | |||
1 | 2 | ||||||||
3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | |||
10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | |||
17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | |||
24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | |||
31 |
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
year |
Specify the year for the calendar. |
Current year |
month |
Specify the month for the calendar. |
Current month |
prefix |
Prefix |
Current page |
date_format |
Date format |
%Y-%m-%d |
order |
Report sequence: “normal” or “reverse”. “reverse” displays newest dates first. |
month_offset |
Month offset |
0 |
Support ranges: next or last N days/events
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
next_n_days |
next_n_days=60: Display entries for the next 60 days / 2 months. |
next_n |
next_n=20: Display only the next 20 entries. Ignored if next_n_days is defined. |
last_n_days |
last_n_days=60: Display entries for the last 60 days / 2 months. |
last_n |
last_n=20: Display only the last 20 entries. Ignored if last_n_days is defined. |
month_format |
How to display the Month. |
%B %Y |
wday_format |
How to display the weekday, if supported by your strftime() function. |
%a |
start_wday |
Start the week at Sunday or Monday |
1 for Monday |
Config Options
Derived from Calendar plugin by
Martin Norbäck.
Included from Help/CalendarPlugin
The Calendar plugin can be used to generate a monthly calendar in a
wiki page. It's handy for personal wikis.
Individual dates in the calendar link to specially named wiki pages. The names for the “day pages” are by default formed by appending the date to the pagename on which the calendar appears.
will get you:
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | |||
1 | 2 | ||||||||
3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | |||
10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | |||
17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | |||
24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | |||
31 |
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
Selection of Month |
year |
Specify the year for the calendar. |
Current year |
month |
Specify the month for the calendar. |
Current month |
month_offset |
Added to month. Can be used to include several months worth of calendars on a single wiki page. |
0 |
“Day Page” Names |
date_format |
The default value is %Y-%m-%d. |
prefix |
Prepended to the date (formatted per date_format) to generate the “day page” names. |
The default value is [pagename]/. |
Appearance |
month_format |
(Default: %B %Y.) |
wday_format |
start_wday |
What day of the week does the calendar start on. This should be specified as an integer in the range zero (Sunday) through six (Saturday), inclusive. |
<<Calendar month_offset=+1>>
will get you:
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | |||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | ||||
7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | |||
14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | |||
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | |||
28 | 29 | 30 |
<<Calendar start_wday=0>>
will get you:
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | |||
1 | |||||||||
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | |||
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | |||
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | |||
23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | |||
30 | 31 |
See Also
Often used together like this:
<<Calendar>> <<CalendarList>>
This feature was inspired by Calendar,
and first implemented by Gary Benson. It was later implemented as a
plugin by
Jeff Dairiki.
Included from Help/CategoryPagePlugin
The CategoryPage plugin puts boilerplate text on a category page to make it easily usable by novices.
It finds the file templates/categorypage.tmpl, then loads it with a few variables substituted.
This has only been used in
<?plugin-form CategoryPage arguments ?>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
exclude |
Comma-separated list of pages to exclude |
false |
pagename |
current page |
plural |
false |
singular |
false |
self_on_create |
true |
showbuds |
false |
<?plugin-form CategoryPage pagename=CategoryExample?>
- Dan Frankowski
See Also
Included from Help/ChartPlugin
The Chart plugin allows to easily draw simple graphs on a wiki page.
Three graph formats are possible: line, bar and pie. In pie mode, negative values are ignored.
The browser must support SVG in order graphs to be displayed. If you are using a recent browser (Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari) then you should see the examples.
<<Chart width=200 height=200 legend="My legend" type=line color=green data="5, 7, 11, 3, 15" >>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
width |
Graph width in pixels |
200 |
height |
Graph height in pixels |
200 |
legend |
Legend of the chart |
none |
type |
line, bar or pie |
line |
data |
Graph data: a list of numbers separated by comma |
none (required argument) |
Line chart
<<Chart type=line data="5, 7, 11, 3, 15" legend="Price evolution" >>
Bar chart
<<Chart type=bar color=red data="5, 7, 11, 3, 15" legend="Number of users" >>
Pie chart
<<Chart type=pie color=blue data="5, 7, 11, 3, 15" legend="Use per country" >>
Known Problems
With multiple Chart plugins on the same page the 2nd and subsequent ones will have the same width and height.
- Marc-Etienne Vargenau
See Also
Included from Help/CommentPlugin
The Comment plugin lets you hide parts of a Wiki page without actually deleting the text.
Comments will only be visible in the Wiki markup when editing or viewing the source.
Simply place the text to be commented out between <<Comment and >>:
<<Comment == A Hidden Section == This text will not show up in the generated HTML page, but it is still visible when editing the WikiMarkup. >>
Included from Help/CreateBibPlugin
The CreateBib plugin creates a BibTex file from linked pages.
The page used in argument should contain a list of links to pages containing references in BibTex format.
<<CreateBib arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
pagename |
The page from which the BibTex file is generated |
none (required argument) |
<<CreateBib pagename="MyBib">>
- Lea Viljanen
See Also
Included from Help/CreatePagePlugin
The CreatePage plugin allows to easily create new pages,
optionally with default content.
This allows you to create a page getting the new pagename from a forms-based interface, and optionally with the initial content from some template.
Put a <?plugin-form CreatePage ?> at some page, browse this page, enter the name of the page to create, then click the button.
<?plugin-form CreatePage ?> <?plugin-form CreatePage template=CategoryHomePages ?> <?plugin-form CreatePage template=SomeTemplatePage vars="year=2004&name=None" ?>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
s |
The pagename, which will passed to the plugin. |
empty |
initial_content |
The new page will be pre-filled with this content. |
empty |
template |
The new page will be pre-filled with the content of this page. |
empty |
vars |
Variables to be expanded. |
overwrite |
Boolean. If true, overwrite an existing page. |
false |
Variable Expansion
The content (either initial_content or template) might hold some variables, which will be expanded on creation. Unassigned variables will stay as %%<var>%%, assigned variables without matching %%<var>%% placeholder will be ignored, without any warning.
A variable in a template is denoted as %%var%%, which will be expanded by the value of var given to the vars argument (in urlencoded php notation).
Some special variables are automatically assigned:
%%ctime%% |
$WikiTheme->formatDateTime(time()) |
%%author%% |
$user->getId() |
This forms together with page templates and the Help:WikiFormRichPlugin and
optionally the
Help:SqlResultPlugin a framework to create templated pages.
- Dan Frankowski
Reini Urban
<?plugin-form CreatePage s=MyHomePage ?>
See Also
Included from Help/CreateTocPlugin
The CreateToc plugin allows to create a dynamical Table of Contents of all headers. It also allows to number the headers in the page.
The headers might be in classic Phpwiki syntax or in Wikicreole/Mediawiki syntax (see below).
The Table of Contents can easily be inserted by clicking on the TOC button in the Edit toolbar.
<<CreateToc arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
extracollapse |
Boolean. If true, provide a button to hide/display the Table of Contents. |
true |
firstlevelstyle |
Style of first level numbering: number, letter or roman. |
number |
headers |
Which headers to include. See below. |
1,2,3,4,5 |
indentstr |
Indent string. |
jshide |
Boolean. If true, the Table of Contents should be initially hidden and on click expanded. |
false |
liststyle |
List style: dl or ol or ul. Using ol is equivalent to with_counter=1. |
dl |
noheader |
Boolean. If true, the Table of Contents header should be omitted. |
false |
notoc |
Boolean. If true, the Table of Contents should no be displayed (headers are numbered). |
false |
pagename |
Table of Contents of which page? |
current pagename |
position |
Where to display the Table of Contents: full, left or right. |
full |
version |
Page version |
Most recent version |
width |
Width of Table of Contents (if position is left or right) |
200px |
with_counter |
Boolean. If true, hierarchical prefixes should be added. |
false |
with_toclink |
Boolean. If true, headers should link back to the Table of Contents. |
false |
Syntax: a comma-separated list of levels. !!!,!!,! also allowed
Level |
Phpwiki syntax |
Wikicreole/Mediawiki syntax |
HTML rendering |
1 |
!!! |
== |
h2 |
2 |
!! |
=== |
h3 |
3 |
! |
==== |
h4 |
4 |
none |
===== |
h5 |
5 |
none |
====== |
h6 |
Default values
Only two levels of headers
<<CreateToc headers=1,2>>
Table of Contents with hierarchical numbering
<<CreateToc with_counter=1>>
No Table of Contents, but headers are numbered
<<CreateToc notoc=1>>
Table of Contents with hierarchical numbering, first level in roman
<<CreateToc with_counter=1 firstlevelstyle=roman>>
See Also
Known Problems
- If you include pages via
Template or
IncludePage plugins, the Table of Contents will not contain the headers of the included pages.
The Table of Contents will be incorrect if a header contains:
- a
Template plugin call via {{ }},
- an image,
- or a ~.
- a
- If you preview the page, the Table of Contents will not be correct if you modified headers. The Table of Contents will be taken from the last saved revision.
Included from Help/CurrentTimePlugin
The CurrentTime plugin displays current time and date (when page was saved).
<<CurrentTime format=xxx>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
format |
Display format (strftime format, or 'date' or 'time') |
Date and time in ISO 8601:2004 format |
<<CurrentTime>>2025-03-09 00:11:56
<<CurrentTime format=date>>2025-03-09
<<CurrentTime format=time>>00:11:56
<<CurrentTime format='%d %h %Y %H h %M m %S s %Z'>>09 Mar 2025 00 h 11 m 56 s UTC
- Marc-Etienne Vargenau, Alcatel-Lucent
See Also
Included from Help/DeadEndPagesPlugin
The DeadEndPages plugin returns a list of pages which are not linked to by any other page.
It is simply an alias for OrphanedPages plugin.
Included from Help/DebugAuthInfoPlugin
Administrative plugin, used to debug auth problems and settings. This plugin is only for testing purposes. If DEBUG has no _DEBUG_LOGIN bit set, only the admin user can call it, which is of no real use.
Warning! This may display DB and user passwords in cleartext. We think we cleared everything out though.
<<DebugAuthInfo userid||=AdminUser>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
userid |
Id of user to debug |
Current user |
See DebugAuthInfo
See Also
- DebugAuthInfo is the corresponding
Included from Help/DebugBackendInfoPlugin
Administrative plugin, used to debug DATABASE backend problems and settings. This plugin is only for testing purposes.
Displays all/most database infos about a page.
Warning! This may display db and user passwords in cleartext. We think we cleared everything out though.
<<DebugBackendInfo arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
page |
The page to execute upon |
Current pagename |
notallversions |
Boolean. If true, only display information for the last version of the page. |
false |
See DebugBackendInfo
See Also
Included from Help/DebugGroupInfoPlugin
Administrative plugin, used to debug auth problems and settings.
This plugin is only for testing purposes.
If DEBUG has no _DEBUG_LOGIN bit set, only the admin user can call it,
which is of no real use.
Warning! This may display db and user passwords in cleartext. We think we cleared everything out though.
See DebugGroupInfo
- Charles Corrigan
See Also
- DebugGroupInfo is the corresponding
Included from Help/DebugRetransformPlugin
Show a markup retransformation of a wiki page.
<<DebugRetransform arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
page |
The page to show markup retransformation from. |
current pagename |
Retransform page “HomePage”
<div class="wikitext"><h3>Welcome to DevCorner @</h3>
Cached_PluginInvocation Object ( [_pi] => <?plugin IncludePage page="Projects" ?> [pi_name] => plugin [name] => IncludePage [args] => page="Projects" )
<hr /> <ul><li>What is a
Cached_WikiLink Object ( [_url] => [_relation] => [_page] => WikiWikiWeb [_basepage] => )
? A description of this application.</li> <li>Learn
Cached_InterwikiLink Object ( [_url] => [_relation] => [_link] => Help:HowToUseWiki )
and learn about
Cached_InterwikiLink Object ( [_url] => [_relation] => [_link] => Help:AddingPages )
.</li> <li>Use the
Cached_WikiLink Object ( [_url] => [_relation] => [_page] => SandBox [_basepage] => )
page to experiment with Wiki pages.</li> <li>Please sign your name in
Cached_WikiLink Object ( [_url] => [_relation] => [_page] => RecentVisitors [_basepage] => )
.</li> <li>See
Cached_WikiLink Object ( [_url] => [_relation] => [_page] => RecentChanges [_basepage] => )
for the latest page additions and changes.</li> <li>Find out which pages are
Cached_WikiLink Object ( [_url] => [_relation] => [_page] => MostPopular [_basepage] => )
.</li> <li>Read the
Cached_WikiLink Object ( [_url] => [_relation] => [_page] => ReleaseNotes [_basepage] => )
Cached_WikiLink Object ( [_url] => [_relation] => [_page] => RecentReleases [_basepage] => )
.</li> <li>Administer this wiki via
Cached_WikiLink Object ( [_url] => [_relation] => [_page] => PhpWikiAdministration [_basepage] => )
.</li> <li>See more
Cached_WikiLink Object ( [_url] => [_relation] => [_page] => PhpWikiDocumentation [_basepage] => )
.</li> </ul> </div>
Array ( [linkto] => Projects )
Array ( [linkto] => WikiWikiWeb )
Array ( [linkto] => SandBox )
Array ( [linkto] => RecentVisitors )
Array ( [linkto] => RecentChanges )
Array ( [linkto] => MostPopular )
Array ( [linkto] => ReleaseNotes )
Array ( [linkto] => RecentReleases )
Array ( [linkto] => PhpWikiAdministration )
Array ( [linkto] => PhpWikiDocumentation )
See Also
Included from Help/DiffPlugin
The Diff plugin displays differences between revisions of a wiki page.
<<Diff arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
pagename |
The page to execute upon |
current pagename |
version |
The newest version of the page |
latest version |
previous |
author, minor or major |
major |
<<Diff pagename=HomePage>>
Differences between current version and predecessor to the previous major change of HomePage.
Other diffs: Previous Revision, Previous Author
Newer page: | version 3 | Last edited on 6 February 2011 17:54 | by cmeerw |
Older page: | version 2 | Last edited on 6 November 2018 8:20 | by bofh |
<<Diff pagename=HomePage version=4>>
Differences between version 4 and predecessor to the previous major change of HomePage.
Other diffs: Previous Revision, Previous Author
Newer page: | version HomePage | Never edited | by |
Older page: | None |
<<Diff pagename=HomePage version=4 previous=minor>>
Differences between version 4 and previous revision of HomePage.
Other diffs: Previous Major Revision, Previous Author
Newer page: | version HomePage | Never edited | by |
Older page: | None |
<<Diff pagename=HomePage previous=author>>
Differences between current version and revision by previous author of HomePage.
Other diffs: Previous Major Revision, Previous Revision
Newer page: | version 3 | Last edited on 6 February 2011 17:54 | by cmeerw |
Older page: | version 2 | Last edited on 6 November 2018 8:20 | by bofh |
See Also
Included from Help/DynamicIncludePagePlugin
The DynamicIncludePage plugin will asynchronously “include” other pages in this wiki.
<<DynamicIncludePage arguments>>
All arguments from IncludePage plugin are supported, plus the following one.
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
state |
initial state: false <=> [+], true <=> [-] |
false |
<<DynamicIncludePage page=SandBox>>
SandBox :
See Also
Included from Help/EditMetaDataPlugin
The EditMetaData plugin allows you
to add/edit/delete metadata key/value pairs for a given page.
You must be logged in as the administrator to do this.
The page's metadata contains things like the page hit count,
last edit time and so on.
<<EditMetaData argument>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
page |
Which page to edit |
Current page. |
Editing the metadata for the HomePage would look like this:
<<EditMetaData page="HomePage">>
With no arguments the plugin defaults to the current page:
Included from Help/ExternalSearchPlugin
The ExternalSearch plugin creates a form to query
InterWikis or other internet sites.
<<ExternalSearch url="InterWiki or URL" name="button text" >>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
url |
Specify a wiki from the InterWikiMap or a URL. Any text entered by the user will be appended to the search URL. The string placeholder '%s' can be used to insert a search query into the URL rather than appending it. |
name |
Text to display in the submit button. |
For InterWiki sites the default is the wiki name, for other URLs the default is the text “External Search”. |
formsize |
Specify the input area size. |
30 characters |
debug |
Boolean. If true, don't really redirect to the external site, just print out the URL that would be redirected to. |
false |
url="" name="Metawiki Search" url="" name="MeatBall Search" url=php-lookup url=php-function url=PhpWiki
Perform a full-text search on multiple wiki's:
Perform a full-text search on MeatBall wiki:
Search the PHP web site for a function name:
Enter the name of a PHP function to view the documentation page:
Enter any existing page name on PhpWiki to jump to that page:
See Also
Included from Help/FacebookLikePlugin
The FacebookLike plugin will include a Facebook “Like” button in your wiki page.
<<FacebookLike arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
width |
Button width |
450 |
height |
Button height |
35 |
colorscheme |
'light' or 'dark' |
light |
show_faces |
false |
layout |
'standard' or 'button_count' |
standard |
action |
'like' or 'recommend' |
like |
See Also
Included from Help/FileInfoPlugin
The FileInfo plugin displays the date, size, path, etc.
of an uploaded file. Only files relative and below to the uploads path can be handled.
Typical Usage
<<FileInfo file=Upload:image.png display=size,date >> <<FileInfo file=Upload:image.png display=name,size,date format="%s (size: %s, date: %s)" >>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
file |
Relative path from PHPWIKI_DIR. |
none (required argument) |
display |
Comma-separated string of size, phonysize, date, mtime, owner, group, name, path, dirname, mime, link |
none (required argument) |
format |
printf format string with %s only, all display modes from above vars return strings |
(optional) |
quiet |
Boolean. If true, print no error if file is not found. |
false |
This wiki was installed at <<FileInfo file=config/config.ini display=date>>.
This wiki was installed at Plugin FileInfo failed. File “config/config.ini” not found..
Included from Help/FoafViewerPlugin
The FoafViewer plugin is written to facilitate the viewing of FOAF / RDF files in human readable form. Please note, it provides only basic features at this time.
<<FoafViewer foaf=>> /FoafViewerPlugin?foaf=
<<FoafViewer foaf=>>
Included from Help/FullTextSearchPlugin
The FullTextSearch plugin searches the content of all pages in this wiki.
<<FullTextSearch arguments>>
All PageList arguments (except paganame),
plus the following ones:
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
s |
The search term |
none (mandatory argument) |
hilight |
Boolean. If true, highlight results. |
true |
case_exact |
Boolean. If true, search with case exact. |
false |
regex |
Type of regular expression used for searching |
auto |
sortby |
Sorting order for results |
-hi_content |
noheader |
Boolean. If true, header should be omitted. |
false |
exclude |
Comma-separated list of glob to exclude |
false |
quiet |
Boolean. If true, be less verbose. |
true |
<<FullTextSearch s=boolean>>
Full text search results for “boolean”
- Help/TranscludePlugin
| Boolean. If true, frame appears as normal content.
- Help/WikiPollPlugin
| Boolean: if true, all questions must be answered
| Boolean: if true, an administrator can view and reset statistics (//not yet implemented//)
- Help/WikiForumPlugin
| Boolean. If true, header should be omitted.
- Help/WikiAdminRenamePlugin
| Boolean. If true, create a redirect page from the old to the new pagename.
| Boolean. If true, change pagename in all linked pages also. \\ //not yet implemented//
- Help/WikiAdminSelectPlugin
| Boolean. If true, header should be omitted.
| Boolean. If true, pages that are referenced but not yet created are included in the list.
- Help/WikiAdminSetExternalPlugin
| Boolean. If true, set the page to external.
- Help/VideoPlugin
| Boolean. If true, auto play the video when page is displayed.
- Help/TemplatePlugin
| Boolean. If true, when including a named section show the heading.
- Help/ListSubpagesPlugin
| Boolean. If true, header should be omitted.
- Help/WantedPagesPlugin
| Boolean. If true, display links.
| Boolean. If true, header should be omitted.
- Help/UserRatingsPlugin
| Boolean. If true, header should be omitted.
| Boolean. If true, we're on a user's homepage, get **their** ratings
| Boolean.
- Help/WhoIsOnlinePlugin
| Boolean. If true, in summary mode, add a link to the detail mode.
| Boolean. If true, also display the fact that admin is online.
- Help/SemanticRelationsPlugin
| Boolean. If true, header should be omitted.
| Boolean. If true, do not display help.
- Help/IncludePagePlugin
| Boolean. If true, inclusion appears as normal content.
| Boolean. If true, when including a named section show the heading.
- Help/RecentReferrersPlugin
| Boolean. If true, header should be omitted.
- Help/TitleSearchPlugin
| Boolean. If true and only one page is found, this page is displayed immediately
| Boolean. If true, header should be omitted.
| Boolean. If true, search with case exact.
- Help/SemanticSearchAdvancedPlugin
| Boolean. If true, search with case exact.
| Boolean. If true, don't show form with results.
| Boolean. If true, header should be omitted.
- Help/CreatePagePlugin
| Boolean. If true, overwrite an existing page.
- Help/SiteMapPlugin
| Boolean. If true, get BackLinks for the first page and forward links for the rest. Only applicable when direction = 'forward'.
| Boolean. If true, then exclude any mentioned pages which don't exist yet. Only applicable when direction = 'forward'.
| Boolean. If true, include yourself in the results.
| Boolean. If true, header should be omitted.
- Help/SemanticSearchPlugin
| Boolean. If true, search with case exact.
| Boolean. If true, don't show form with results.
| Boolean. If true, header should be omitted.
- Help/SearchHighlightPlugin
| Boolean. If true, header should be omitted.
| Boolean. If true, print the list of lines with lines terms additionally.
| Boolean. If true, highlight only case exact searches. Not yet supported.
- Help/DebugBackendInfoPlugin
| Boolean. If true, only display information for the last version of the page.
- Help/PopularNearbyPlugin
| Boolean. If true, header should be omitted.
- Help/UnfoldSubpagesPlugin
| Boolean. If true, header should be omitted.
- Help/PagePermissions
Boolean permissions per page and action (**granted** or **denied**) based on the current users
- Help/PhotoAlbumPlugin
Boolean. If true, each image will be hyperlinked to a page where
- Help/IncludeTreePlugin
| Boolean. If true, include yourself in the results.
| Boolean. If true, header should be omitted.
| Boolean. If true, get BackLinks for the first page and forward links for the rest. Only applicable when direction = 'forward'.
| Boolean. If true, then exclude any mentioned pages which don't exist yet. Only applicable when direction = 'forward'.
- Help/CreateTocPlugin
| Boolean. If true, provide a button to hide/display the Table of Contents.
| Boolean. If true, the Table of Contents should be initially hidden and on click expanded.
| Boolean. If true, the Table of Contents header should be omitted.
| Boolean. If true, the Table of Contents should no be displayed (headers are numbered).
| Boolean. If true, hierarchical prefixes should be added.
- Help/NewPagesPerUserPlugin
| Boolean. If true, pages that are comments are included (page names that include "/Comment").
| Boolean. If true, have a link to pages.
- Help/LinkDatabasePlugin
| Boolean. If true, header should be omitted.
- Help/OrphanedPagesPlugin
| Boolean. If true, header should be omitted.
| Boolean. If true, pages that are referenced but not yet created are included in the list.
- Help/IncludeSiteMapPlugin
| Boolean. If true, include yourself in the results.
| Boolean. If true, header should be omitted.
- Help/MostPopularPlugin
| Boolean. If true, header should be omitted.
- Help/LinkSearchPlugin
| Boolean. If true, search with case exact.
| Boolean. If true, don't show form with results.
| Boolean. If true, header should be omitted.
- Help/RandomPagePlugin
| Boolean. If true, do not display random page link, redirect to random page.
| Boolean. If true, hide name (only for numpages=1)
- Help/AppendTextPlugin
| Boolean. If true, redirect to modified page.
- Help/FullTextSearchPlugin
| Boolean. If true, highlight results.
| Boolean. If true, search with case exact.
| Boolean. If true, header should be omitted.
| Boolean. If true, be less verbose.
<<FullTextSearch s=boolean>>
- Help/FileInfoPlugin
| Boolean. If true, print no error if file is not found.
- ReleaseNotes
* Better check boolean arguments in plugins
* added boolean UPLOAD_USERDIR to upload into user-specific directory.
- Help/ExternalSearchPlugin
| Boolean. If true, don't really redirect to the external site, just print out the URL that would be redirected to.
- Help/AllUsersPlugin
| Boolean. If true, header should be omitted.
| Boolean. If true, shows also users which stored their preferences, but never saved their homepage.
- Help/RssFeedPlugin
| Boolean. If true, do not display item body.
- Help/BackLinksPlugin
| Boolean. If true, include yourself in the results.
| Boolean. If true, header should be omitted.
- Help/AtomFeedPlugin
| Boolean. If true, only displays the title of the entry.
- Help/AllPagesPlugin
| Boolean. If true, header should be omitted.
| Boolean. If true, pages that are referenced but not yet created are included in the list.
| Boolean. If true, display only pages created by users (not the ones created at initialisation of the wiki).
- Help/AuthorHistoryPlugin
| Boolean. If true, page header should be omitted.
| Boolean. If true, include minor modifications.
| Boolean. If true, include deleted pages.
- Help/AddCommentPlugin
| Boolean. If true, the comments and/or textbox should be initially hidden and on click expanded.
| Boolean. If true, the “Comments” header should be omitted.
See Also
Included from Help/FuzzyPagesPlugin
The FuzzyPages plugin will search for similar page titles.
Pages are considered similar by averaging the similarity scores of the spelling comparison and the metaphone comparison for each page title in the database (PHP's metaphone() is an improved soundex function).
<<FuzzyPages s=pagename>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
s |
Pagename to look for |
none (mandatory argument) |
<<FuzzyPages s=HomePage>>
See Also
Included from Help/GoToPlugin
The GoTo plugin displays a form with text entry box and 'Go' button.
The user enters a page name... if it exists, browse that page; if not, edit (create) that page.
Note: pagenames are absolute, not relative to the actual subpage.
- Michael van Dam
Reini Urban
See Also
Included from Help/GoogleMapsPlugin
The GoogleMaps plugin displays a marker
with further infos (when clicking) on given coordinates.
You need to sign up for a Google Maps API key!
Then enter the key in config/config.ini under GOOGLE_LICENSE_KEY=
<<GoogleMaps arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
Longitude |
Longitude |
none (required argument) |
Latitude |
Latitude |
none (required argument) |
ZoomFactor |
Zoom factor |
5 |
Marker |
true |
InfoText |
none |
MapType |
Map or Satellite or Hybrid |
Hybrid |
SmallMapControl |
large or small |
false |
width |
width |
500px |
height |
height |
400px |
<<GoogleMaps Latitude=53.053 Longitude=7.803 ZoomFactor=10 Marker=true MapType=Hybrid width=500px height=400px >>
See Also
Included from Help/GooglePluginPlugin
The GooglePlugin plugin is a wrapper for the Google Web APIs.
It allows you to do Google searches, retrieve pages from the Google cache,
and ask Google for spelling suggestions.
Note: You must first obtain a license key at
Max 1000 queries per day.
<<GooglePlugin arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
q |
mode |
search, cache or spell |
search |
startIndex |
1 |
maxResults |
10 |
formsize |
30 |
See Also
Included from Help/GraphVizPlugin
The GraphViz plugin passes all its arguments to the graphviz dot
binary and displays the result as cached image (PNG, GIF, SVG) or
imagemap. See,
esp. for the dot language
- We support all image types supported by GD so far, PNG most likely.
- On imgtype = imap, cpamx, ismap, cmap an additional mapfile will be produced.
<<GraphViz [options...] multiline dot script ... >>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
imgtype |
Image type |
png |
alt |
Image alternate text |
pages |
<! plugin-list support !> encoded as pagename = [ URL = url ] |
exclude |
Comma-separated list of pages to exclude |
help |
Display argument help |
<<GraphViz digraph automata_0 { size ="8.5, 11"; node [ shape = circle]; 0 [ style = filled, color=lightgrey ]; 2 [ shape = doublecircle ]; 0 -> 2 [ label = "a " ]; 0 -> 1 [ label = "other " ]; 1 -> 2 [ label = "a " ]; 1 -> 1 [ label = "other " ]; 2 -> 2 [ label = "a " ]; 2 -> 1 [ label = "other " ]; "Machine: a" [ shape = plaintext ]; } >>
See Also
VisualWiki plugin, which depends on GraphViz and WikiPluginCached.
Included from Help/HelloWorldPlugin
A simple example plugin.
Hello,, Wiki User!From the source of this page:
<<HelloWorld salutation="Hello," name="Wiki User" >>
PhpWiki's plugin architecture allows you to add custom page elements to your wiki. All you have to do is extend (subclass) the WikiPlugin class and create your output via the run() method, dependent on the Wiki- or Request arguments,
- either with the predefined HTML classes to create valid XHTML,
- or by using templates, which are easier customizable, but generally more a mess to use and easier to create invalid XHTML.
* A simple demonstration WikiPlugin.
* Usage:
* <<HelloWorld> >
* <<HelloWorld
* salutation="Greetings, "
* name=Wikimeister
* > >
* <<HelloWorld salutation=Hi > >
* <<HelloWorld name=WabiSabi > >
// Constants are defined before the class.
if (!defined('THE_END'))
define('THE_END', "!");
class WikiPlugin_HelloWorld
extends WikiPlugin
// Five required functions in a WikiPlugin.
function getName () {
return _("HelloWorld");
function getDescription () {
return _("Simple Sample Plugin");
// Establish default values for each of this plugin's arguments.
function getDefaultArguments() {
return array('salutation' => "Hello,",
'name' => "World");
function run($dbi, $argstr, $request) {
extract($this->getArgs($argstr, $request));
// Any text that is returned will not be further transformed,
// so use html where necessary.
$html = HTML::samp(fmt('%s: %s', $salutation, WikiLink($name, 'auto')),
return $html;
Included from Help/HtmlConverterPlugin
The HtmlConverter plugin will convert HTML tags as far to Wiki markup as possible and eliminate all other HTML markup, so the output can be copied and pasted into a wiki page.
See Also
Included from Help/IncludePagePlugin
The IncludePage plugin will “include” other pages in this wiki. In the language of hypertext
this is called transclusion.
<<IncludePage page=OtherPage rev=6 quiet=1 words=50 lines=6>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
page |
The page to include. |
none (required argument) |
rev |
Page revision. |
most recent revision |
quiet |
Boolean. If true, inclusion appears as normal content. |
false |
bytes |
Maximum number of bytes to include. |
none (include whole page) |
words |
Maximum number of words to include. |
none (include whole page) |
lines |
Maximum number of lines to include. |
none (include whole page) |
sections |
Maximum number of sections to include. |
none (include all sections) |
section |
Include a named section. |
none |
sectionhead |
Boolean. If true, when including a named section show the heading. |
false |
is stripped.
.. is only expanded in included pages.
IncludePage page=Help/AllPagesPlugin
Included from Help/AllPagesPlugin
The AllPages plugin lists all pages in this wiki.
<<AllPages arguments>>
All PageList arguments, plus the following ones:
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
noheader |
Boolean. If true, header should be omitted. |
false |
include_empty |
Boolean. If true, pages that are referenced but not yet created are included in the list. |
false |
info |
Allows multiple columns: info=mtime,hits,summary,version,author,locked,minor or all |
empty |
userpages |
Boolean. If true, display only pages created by users (not the ones created at initialisation of the wiki). |
false |
<<AllPages limit=20 cols=3>>
All pages in this wiki (376 total):
See Also
IncludePage page=Help/AllPagesPlugin lines=6
Included from Help/AllPagesPlugin
IncludePage page=Help/AllPagesPlugin section="Arguments"
Included from Help/AllPagesPlugin
All PageList arguments, plus the following ones:
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
noheader |
Boolean. If true, header should be omitted. |
false |
include_empty |
Boolean. If true, pages that are referenced but not yet created are included in the list. |
false |
info |
Allows multiple columns: info=mtime,hits,summary,version,author,locked,minor or all |
empty |
userpages |
Boolean. If true, display only pages created by users (not the ones created at initialisation of the wiki). |
false |
IncludePage page=Help/AllPagesPlugin section="Arguments" sectionhead=true
Included from Help/AllPagesPlugin
All PageList arguments, plus the following ones:
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
noheader |
Boolean. If true, header should be omitted. |
false |
include_empty |
Boolean. If true, pages that are referenced but not yet created are included in the list. |
false |
info |
Allows multiple columns: info=mtime,hits,summary,version,author,locked,minor or all |
empty |
userpages |
Boolean. If true, display only pages created by users (not the ones created at initialisation of the wiki). |
false |
IncludePage page=Help/AllPagesPlugin sections=2
Does not work in Wikicreole syntax
Known Problems
- Line and word limit doesn't work if the included page itself includes a plugin.
- "sections" parameter does not work if sections to include are in Wikicreole syntax.
- "section" parameter does not always work if sections to include use both Wikicreole/Mediawiki and classic Phpwiki syntax.
- Joe Edelman
- bug fixes by
Reini Urban
- "sections" parameter implemented by Marc-Etienne Vargenau, Alcatel-Lucent
See Also
Help:IncludePagesPlugin (to include multiple pages)
Help:TemplatePlugin (to include a page with parameters)
Included from Help/IncludePagesPlugin
The IncludePages plugin will "include" a list of multiple pages, based on
IncludePage plugin.
<<IncludePages arguments >>
All arguments from IncludePage plugin, plus the following ones:
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
pages |
The pages to include. |
empty |
exclude |
Comma-separated list of pages to exclude. |
empty |
<<IncludePages pages=<!plugin-list BackLinks !> >>
Included from SpecialPages
Help |
Pages |
UsersCategoriesInterwikis |
Changes |
See Also
Included from Help/IncludeSiteMapPlugin
This is a quick mod of BackLinks plugin to do the job recursively. If your
site is categorized correctly, and all the categories are listed in
CategoryCategory, then a recursive BackLinks there will produce a contents
page for the entire site.
The list is as deep as the recursion level (reclimit).
<<IncludeSiteMap direction=back|forward reclimit=4>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
exclude |
Comma-separated list of pages to exclude |
empty |
include_self |
Boolean. If true, include yourself in the results. |
false |
noheader |
Boolean. If true, header should be omitted. |
false |
page |
Page from which site map starts |
The current page |
description |
Override default description. Printed as header. |
Default description |
reclimit |
Max recursion depth. |
2 |
info |
Info to display in the table |
false |
direction |
Get BackLinks or forward links (links listed on the page) |
back |
firstreversed |
If true, get BackLinks for the first page and forward links for the rest. Only applicable when direction = 'forward'. |
false |
excludeunknown |
If true, exclude any mentioned pages which don't exist yet. Only applicable when direction = 'forward'. |
true |
includepages |
Passed verbatim to the IncludePage plugin. |
words=50 |
<<SiteMap page=PhpWikiDocumentation>>
Recursively get BackLinks or links. (max. recursion level: 4):
- PhpWikiRecentChanges
- Help/AddCommentPlugin
- Help/AuthorHistoryPlugin
- Help/CalendarPlugin
- Help/SqlResultPlugin
- Help/AnalyseAccessLogSqlPlugin
- Help/AsciiMathPlugin
- Help/AtomFeedPlugin
- Help/BackLinksPlugin
- Help/MoreAboutMechanics
- Help/BlogJournalPlugin
- Help/ActionPage
- Help/RssFeedPlugin
- Help/CommentPlugin
- Help/AddingPages
- Help/DebugAuthInfoPlugin
- Help/CurrentTimePlugin
- Help/AllUsersPlugin
- Help/DiffPlugin
- Help/DebugGroupInfoPlugin
- Help/ExternalSearchPlugin
- Help/AsciiSVGPlugin
- ReleaseNotes
- Help/BlogArchivesPlugin
- Help/CalendarListPlugin
- Help/FileInfoPlugin
- Help/ChartPlugin
- Help/GoToPlugin
- Help/FullTextSearchPlugin
- Help/GooglePluginPlugin
- Help/EditMetaDataPlugin
- Help/GoogleLink
- Help/HtmlConverterPlugin
- Help/DynamicIncludePagePlugin
- Help/AppendTextPlugin
- Help/CacheTestPlugin
- Help/HelloWorldPlugin
- Help/FacebookLikePlugin
- Help/RawHtmlPlugin
- Help/BoxRightPlugin
- Help/FuzzyPagesPlugin
- Help/Categories
- Help/GoogleMapsPlugin
- Help/CreateBibPlugin
- Help/LdapSearchPlugin
- Help/RandomPagePlugin
- Help/LinkSearchPlugin
- Help/DeadEndPagesPlugin
- Help/IncludePagesPlugin
- Help/DebugRetransformPlugin
- Help/InterWikiSearchPlugin
- Help/MostPopularPlugin
- Help/EditText
- Help/IncludeSiteMapPlugin
- Help/LikePagesPlugin
- Help/OrphanedPagesPlugin
- Help/FoafViewerPlugin
- Help/JabberPresencePlugin
- Help/ListPagesPlugin
- Help/PageInfoPlugin
- Help/LinkDatabasePlugin
- Help/MediawikiTablePlugin
- Help/GraphVizPlugin
- Help/PasswordResetPlugin
- Help/NewPagesPerUserPlugin
- Help/ListRelationsPlugin
- Help/PageDumpPlugin
- Help/ModeratedPagePlugin
- Help/CreateTocPlugin
- Help/NoCachePlugin
- Help/IncludeTreePlugin
- Help/PageList
- Help/PopUpPlugin
- Help/PageGroupPlugin
- Help/Jeff Dairiki
- Help/PreferenceAppPlugin
- Help/PhotoAlbumPlugin
- Help/PagePermissions
- Help/WikiWikiWeb
- Help/UnfoldSubpagesPlugin
- Help/PloticusPlugin
- Help/PopularNearbyPlugin
- Help/WabiSabi
- Help/DebugBackendInfoPlugin
- Help/OldStyleTablePlugin
- Help/RateItPlugin
- Help/PrevNextPlugin
- Help/RecentCommentsPlugin
- Help/Reini Urban
- Help/PageHistoryPlugin
- Help/PageTrailPlugin
- Help/SearchHighlightPlugin
- Help/RecentEditsPlugin
- Help/RelatedChangesPlugin
- Help/SemanticSearchPlugin
- Help/PhpHighlightPlugin
- Help/RecentChangesPlugin
- Help/SemanticRelations
- Help/SiteMapPlugin
- Help/CreatePagePlugin
- Help/SyntaxHighlighterPlugin
- Help/Steve Wainstead
- Help/ProcessingPlugin
- Help/TeX2pngPlugin
- Help/SemanticSearchAdvancedPlugin
- Help/TitleSearchPlugin
- Help/RecentReferrersPlugin
- Help/Spreadsheet
- Help/TextFormattingRules
- Help/LinkIcons
- Help/UriResolverPlugin
- Help/TexToPngPlugin
- Help/IncludePagePlugin
- Help/SemanticRelationsPlugin
- Help/VisualWikiPlugin
- Help/GoodStyle
- Help/SystemInfoPlugin
- Help/WhoIsOnlinePlugin
- Help/UserRatingsPlugin
- Help/SpellCheckPlugin
- Help/WikiAdminRemovePlugin
- Help/WantedPagesPlugin
- Help/ListSubpagesPlugin
- Help/SyncWikiPlugin
- Help/WikiAdminDeleteAclPlugin
- Help/WikiAdminSetAclPlugin
- Help/TemplatePlugin
- Help/UpLoadPlugin
- Help/WikiAdminSearchReplacePlugin
- Help/VideoPlugin
- Help/WikiBlogPlugin
- Help/TranslateTextPlugin
- Help/WikiAdminSetExternalPlugin
- Help/WatchPagePlugin
- Help/UserPreferencesPlugin
- Help/WikiFormRichPlugin
- Help/Wikicreole
- Help/WikiAdminPurgePlugin
- Help/WikiTranslationPlugin
- Help/PhpWiki
- Help/text2pngPlugin
- Help/WikiAdminSelectPlugin
- Help/WikiAdminChownPlugin
- Help/WikiAdminUtilsPlugin
- Help/WikiAdminRenamePlugin
- Help/WikiForumPlugin
- Help/WikiAdminSetAclSimplePlugin
- Help/PredefinedIcons
- Help/WikiFormPlugin
- Help/YouTubePlugin
- Help/WikiPollPlugin
- Help/WikicreoleTablePlugin
- Help/PluginManagerPlugin
- Help/PopularTagsPlugin
- Help/RedirectToPlugin
- Template/NewPlugin
- Help/Images
- Help/TranscludePlugin
- Help/RichTablePlugin
- Help/InterWiki
- Help/HowToUseWiki
- Help/Advice for Mediawiki users
- GoogleLink
- Help/Adobe Flash
- Help/Advice Mediawiki users
- Help/CategoryPagePlugin
- Help/FrameIncludePlugin
- Help/OldTextFormattingRules
- Help/PhpWeatherPlugin
- Help/PreferencesInfoPlugin
- Help/RecentChangesCachedPlugin
- Help/WantedPagesOldPlugin
- Help/WikiAdminChmodPlugin
- Help/WikiAdminMarkupPlugin
- Help/_AuthInfoPlugin
- Help/_BackendInfoPlugin
- Help/_GroupInfoPlugin
- Help/_PreferencesInfoPlugin
- Help/_WikiTranslationPlugin
- HomePage
- InterWiki
- LisaNova
- PgsrcTranslation
- PgsrcTranslation/de
- PgsrcTranslation/es
- PgsrcTranslation/fr
- PgsrcTranslation/it
- PgsrcTranslation/ja
- PgsrcTranslation/nl
- PgsrcTranslation/sv
- PgsrcTranslation/zh
- WikiWikiWeb
- Cuthbert Cat
- Redesigned by
Reini Urban
See Also
Included from Help/IncludeTreePlugin
Display Dynamic Category Tree.
<<IncludeTree arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
exclude |
Comma-separated list of pages to exclude |
empty |
include_self |
Boolean. If true, include yourself in the results. |
false |
noheader |
Boolean. If true, header should be omitted. |
false |
page |
The page to start the include tree |
The current page |
description |
Override default description. Printed as header. |
Default description |
reclimit |
Max recursion depth. |
2 |
info |
Info to display in the table |
false |
direction |
Get BackLinks or forward links (links listed on the page) |
back |
firstreversed |
Boolean. If true, get BackLinks for the first page and forward links for the rest. Only applicable when direction = 'forward'. |
false |
excludeunknown |
Boolean. If true, then exclude any mentioned pages which don't exist yet. Only applicable when direction = 'forward'. |
true |
includepages |
words=100 |
category |
empty |
dtree |
true |
See Also
Included from Help/InterWikiSearchPlugin
The InterWikiSearch plugin performs searches on InterWiki sites listed in InterWikiMap.
<<InterWikiSearch arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
s |
The search term |
none (mandatory argument) |
formsize |
30 |
<?plugin InterWikiSearch?>
See Also
Included from Help/JabberPresencePlugin
The JabberPresence plugin shows Jabber presence status.
<<JabberPresence arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
scripturl |
jid |
type |
image |
iconset |
gabber |
<<JabberPresence scripturl= jid=yourid@jabberserver type=html iconset=phpbb >>
- Arnaud Fontaine
See Also
Included from Help/LdapSearchPlugin
The LdapSearch plugin displays a LDAP query as table.
<<LdapSearch>> <<LdapSearch host="localhost" port=389 basedn="" filter="(cn=*)" attributes="" >> <<LdapSearch filter="(ou=web-team)" attributes="sn cn telephonenumber">> <<LdapSearch host="" basedn="" filter="(sn=jensen)" attributes="cn drink">> <<LdapSearch attributes="cn sn telephonenumber">> <<LdapSearch port=10101 basedn="dc=current,dc=bugs,dc=debian,dc=org" filter="(debbugsPackage=phpwiki)" attributes="debbugsSeverity debbugsState debbugsTitle">>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
host |
hostname or ip or ldap:// uri to connect to. |
from LDAP_AUTH_HOST or localhost |
port |
portnumber to connect to. |
from LDAP_AUTH_HOST or 389 |
basedn |
connect string: "ou=Users,o=Development," |
filter |
Optional ldap_search() filter argument |
"(cn=*)" |
attributes |
space separated fields to return as table columns: "cn sn" |
empty |
options |
ldap_set_option(). Column separated name=value pairs. Esp. needed for Windows Active directory: "LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION=3:LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS=0" |
user |
user and password are required for Windows Active directory. |
Default: LDAP_AUTH_USER if host == LDAP_AUTH_HOST |
password |
user and password are required for Windows Active directory. |
- John Lines
See Also
Included from Help/LikePagesPlugin
The LikePages plugin lists page names which share an initial or final title word with a given page.
<<LikePages arguments>>
All PageList arguments, plus the following ones:
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
page |
The page to execute upon |
current pagename |
prefix |
List only pages that share the same prefix |
empty |
suffix |
List only pages that share the same suffix |
empty |
<<LikePages page=HomePage>>
These pages share an initial or final title word with “HomePage”
<<LikePages suffix=Page>>
Page names with suffix “Page”
- WatchPage
- Template/UserPage
- RandomPage
- ModeratedPage
- HomePage
- Help/OldMarkupTestPage
- Help/NewMarkupTestPage
- Help/ActionPage
- FindPage
- CreatePage
- CategoryActionPage
See Also
Included from Help/LinkDatabasePlugin
LinkDatabase is a plugin to list all pages with all links in various formats for some Java Visualization tools.
<<LinkDatabase arguments>>
All PageList arguments, plus the following ones:
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
format |
'html', 'text', 'xml' |
html |
noheader |
Boolean. If true, header should be omitted. |
false |
exclude_from |
false |
<<LinkDatabase limit=10>>
See Also
Included from Help/LinkSearchPlugin
Search in pages for links with the matching name.
<<LinkSearch arguments>>
All PageList arguments, plus the following ones:
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
s |
linkvalue query string |
* |
page |
which pages (glob allowed) |
* (all) |
direction |
out or in |
out |
case_exact |
Boolean. If true, search with case exact. |
false |
regex |
no word splitting, if no regex op is present, defaults to exact match |
auto |
noform |
Boolean. If true, don't show form with results. |
false |
noheader |
Boolean. If true, header should be omitted. |
false |
See Also
Included from Help/ListPagesPlugin
The ListPages plugin is the simplest plugin to explicitly list a set of pages with all available
PageList options, mainly used for a wikilens theme to display ratings info
and recommendations.
It can also be used with the PluginList method to list a set of pages generated by another plugin, and/or to exclude a set of pages generated by another plugin.
See the PageList options.
<<ListPages arguments>>
All PageList arguments, plus the following ones:
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
pages |
Pages to list |
false |
dimension |
0 |
Additional info arguments
top3recs | recommendations (wikilens theme only) |
numbacklinks | number of backlinks (links to the given page) |
numpagelinks | number of forward links (links at the given page) |
<<ListPages pages=HomePage,FindPage>>
<<ListPages info=hits sortby=hits pages=<!plugin-list BackLink page=[] !> exclude=ListPagesPlugin,WikiPlugin >>
Included from Help/ListSubpagesPlugin
The ListSubpages plugin lists the names of all sub-pages
of a given page (by default the current page).
<<ListSubpages arguments>>
All PageList arguments, plus the following ones:
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
basepage |
The page to execute upon |
Current pagename |
maxpages |
Maximum number of pages to include |
0 |
noheader |
Boolean. If true, header should be omitted. |
false |
info |
List of columns to display |
empty |
exclude |
Comma-separated list of pages to exclude |
empty |
<<ListSubpages basepage=Help maxpages=20 cols=3>>
SubPages of PhpWikiManual:
See Also
Included from Help/MediawikiTablePlugin
The MediawikiTable plugin allows a user to specify a <table> with (a subset of) the syntax used by Mediawiki.
The plugin is not meant to be called directly, just use the syntax below to insert your table.
Mediawiki table syntax
- The table starts with a line {|.
- An optional table caption is made with a line starting with a pipe and a plus sign |+ followed by the caption.
- A table row starts with a pipe and a hyphen: |-.
- A table cell starts with a pipe on a new line, or a double bar || on the same line.
- A header table cell starts with an exclamation mark, or a double exclamation mark !! on the same line.
- The table ends with a line |}.
If the first row of the table as made with header cells only, this row will be put in a thead. In that case, this row will be repeated on every page when printing the table.
HTML attributes
Attribute |
Syntax |
For the table |
{| border="1" |
For the caption |
|+ style="font-weight: bold;" |
For a row |
|- style="height:100px" |
For a cell |
| align="right" | Cell 2 (right aligned) |
The attributes might be put with or without double quotes.
Predefined CSS classes
If you do not specify a class for the table, it will be rendered without border.
Boxed and bordered tables
If you specify class="boxed", you will have a border around the table (but not around the cells).
If you specify class="bordered", you will have a border around the table and the cells
In both cases, the caption (if any) will be bold and centered under the table
In both cases, the headers (specified by !) will have a "#d8d8d8" background
Sortable tables
If you specify class="sortable", the table columns will be sortable. An icon will be put in the headers to show the table is sortable. Clicking on a column header will sort that column. You can sort multiple columns with shift click.
Do not break table when printing
If you specify class="nobreak", the table will not be cut when printed (if your browser supports it).
Example 1: simple table
Header 1 |
Header 2 |
Header 3 |
Cell I |
Cell II, in bold |
Cell III |
Cell 1 |
Cell 2 |
Cell 3 |
The above table is rendered from:
{| border="1" style="width: 100%" |+ style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 150%;" | This is the table caption |- style="white-space: nowrap" ! Header 1 ! Header 2 ! Header 3 |- style=height:100px | Cell I | **Cell II**, in bold |align=right width="100%" |Cell III |- bgcolor=#f0f0ff align=center |Cell 1||Cell 2||Cell 3 |}
Example 2: table with paragraphs, lists and plugins in cells
Header 1 |
Header 2 |
First paragraph. Second paragraph. |
Current date |
2025-03-09 |
The above table is rendered from:
{| |- style="white-space: nowrap" ! Header 1 ! Header 2 |- bgcolor=yellow | First paragraph. Second paragraph. | * One * Two * Three |- bgcolor=#f0f0ff align=center |Current date || <<CurrentTime format=date>> |}
Example 3: sortable table
Click on a column header to sort the column. Clicking a second time will reverse the sorting order.
First name |
Name |
Age |
John |
Smith |
35 |
Albert |
Wells |
5 |
Sam |
Adam |
102 |
The above table is rendered from:
{| class="bordered sortable" |- ! First name !! Name !! Age |- | John || Smith || 35 |- | Albert || Wells || 5 |- | Sam || Adam || 102 |}
Example 4: nested tables
Header A |
Header B |
A numbered list:
This cell contains a nested table.
A paragraph Another paragraph |
A plain list:
The above table is rendered from:
<<MediawikiTable {| class="bordered" align=center |+ Outer table caption |- ! Header A !! Header B |- | A numbered list: # one # two # three | This cell contains a nested table. {| class="bordered" |+ Inner table caption |- ! Header A ! Header B |- | Inner A1 | Inner B1 |- | Inner A2 | Inner B2 |} |- | A paragraph Another paragraph | A plain list: * apple * pear * apricot |} >>
- Marc-Etienne Vargenau, Alcatel-Lucent
See Also
Included from Help/ModeratedPagePlugin
What is a ModeratedPage?
A ModeratedPage is a page-internal setting, which restricts certain actions on certain pages. The requested action and page is stored internally and an email is sent to the moderators described in the linked and locked ModeratedPage action page. Any moderator may approve or reject the action by simply clicking an URL. When approving the action, the requested action (edit, rename, ...) is performed.
In both cases the author is notified, so it's recommended for the moderator to click on either the approve or reject links in the moderation email. In case of multiple moderators: first comes, first serves.
How to enable ModeratedPage on a single page?
- Check the status of this action page, esp. the moderators in the plugin line, if they had their emails stored in their UserPreferences, and if the action page is locked.
- Add a link to this action page in the page(s) in question.
- Save the page.
- Lock the page to actually change the moderation status. You may want to unlock it then.
How to disable ModeratedPage on a single page?
- Remove the link to this action page in the page(s) in question.
- Save the page.
- Lock the page to actually change the moderation status. You may want to unlock it then.
<<ModeratedPage arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
moderators |
comma-separated list of registered usernames or groups. Each user should have his email defined in his prefs. |
"Administrators" or "bofh" |
requirelevel |
one of 0, 1, 2 or 10 on which moderation is used |
false (use requireaccess instead) |
requireaccess |
comma-separated list of access perms, on which the moderation is used "view,edit,create,list,remove,change" |
edit,remove,change |
How does it work internally?
You need to lock the page additionally, so that the link parser performs some magic whether the ModeratedPage link is present or not, for efficiency reasons. It can be unlocked again, and even the ModeratedPage link may be removed. The status will only be changed on the lock action, whether the ModeratedPage link is present or not.
The moderation status is stored in each page in question. Each moderated action is stored in the page also, together with a randomly created permission key to allow Grant by a simple external unauthorized request. There's no timeout on moderated actions, so the actions may stack up. The delayed actions may be performed in any order, there's no strict ordering to follow for the moderator.
How to enable ModeratedPage on multiple/all pages?
If you enable the config option ENABLE_MODERATEDPAGE_ALL, the page moderation status on every page is automatically set to check this action page ModeratedPage.
There may come another administrative plugin to change the moderation status on selected pages.
Included from Help/MostPopularPlugin
The MostPopular plugin will display the pages of wiki that
have the most (or least) number of hits.
<<MostPopular arguments>>
All PageList arguments, plus the following ones:
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
limit |
The number of pages to display. If the limit is negative, the least popular pages will be displayed. If the limit is 0, all visited pages will be displayed. |
20 |
sortby |
Select column to sort. |
-hits |
noheader |
Boolean. If true, header should be omitted. |
false |
info |
List of columns to display |
hits |
<<MostPopular limit=10>>
| ||||
| ||||
Page Name![]() |
Hits![]() |
HomePage | 166491 | |||
Projects/greylstd | 63364 | |||
Projects/jabrss | 57784 | |||
Projects/sipfwd | 48176 | |||
Projects/nginetd | 37740 | |||
Projects/hikingmaps | 34563 | |||
Projects/wifivpn | 24777 | |||
Projects/newscache | 23034 | |||
Projects/jabxpcom | 21523 | |||
Projects/downtime | 19685 |
See Also
Included from Help/NewPagesPerUserPlugin
The NewPagesPerUser plugin lists all new pages
per month per user in the wiki.
<<NewPagesPerUser arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
userid |
Limit to the pages created by a specific user. |
empty |
month |
Limit to the pages created during a specific month. |
empty |
since |
Limit to the pages created after a specific date. |
empty |
until |
Limit to the pages created before a specific date. |
empty |
comments |
Boolean. If true, pages that are comments are included (page names that include "/Comment"). |
false |
links |
Boolean. If true, have a link to pages. |
true |
<<NewPagesPerUser userid=admin>>
<<NewPagesPerUser month=September>>
<<NewPagesPerUser since=2021-08-20>>
December, 2023 | |
![]() |
272 |
![]() |
3 |
February, 2022 | |
![]() |
3 |
![]() |
1 |
November, 2021 | |
![]() |
2 |
<<NewPagesPerUser until="August 2021">>
December, 2023 | |
![]() |
272 |
![]() |
3 |
February, 2022 | |
![]() |
3 |
![]() |
1 |
November, 2021 | |
![]() |
2 |
March, 2021 | |
![]() |
1 |
June, 2020 | |
![]() |
4 |
March, 2020 | |
![]() |
1 |
![]() |
1 |
January, 2020 | |
![]() |
2 |
December, 2019 | |
![]() |
3 |
November, 2019 | |
![]() |
2 |
November, 2018 | |
![]() |
1 |
December, 2017 | |
![]() |
1 |
December, 2014 | |
![]() |
1 |
![]() |
1 |
September, 2014 | |
![]() |
1 |
![]() |
1 |
August, 2014 | |
![]() |
1 |
May, 2014 | |
![]() |
1 |
March, 2013 | |
![]() |
1 |
September, 2012 | |
![]() |
1 |
![]() |
1 |
August, 2012 | |
![]() |
1 |
June, 2012 | |
![]() |
2 |
May, 2012 | |
![]() |
2 |
January, 2012 | |
![]() |
1 |
October, 2011 | |
![]() |
2 |
September, 2011 | |
![]() |
1 |
April, 2011 | |
![]() |
2 |
February, 2011 | |
![]() |
3 |
January, 2011 | |
![]() |
29 |
![]() |
19 |
![]() |
4 |
<<NewPagesPerUser comments=true>>
December, 2023 | |
![]() |
273 |
![]() |
3 |
February, 2022 | |
![]() |
3 |
![]() |
1 |
November, 2021 | |
![]() |
2 |
March, 2021 | |
![]() |
1 |
June, 2020 | |
![]() |
4 |
March, 2020 | |
![]() |
1 |
![]() |
1 |
January, 2020 | |
![]() |
2 |
December, 2019 | |
![]() |
3 |
November, 2019 | |
![]() |
2 |
November, 2018 | |
![]() |
1 |
December, 2017 | |
![]() |
1 |
December, 2014 | |
![]() |
1 |
![]() |
1 |
September, 2014 | |
![]() |
1 |
![]() |
1 |
August, 2014 | |
![]() |
1 |
May, 2014 | |
![]() |
1 |
![]() |
1 |
April, 2014 | |
![]() |
2 |
March, 2013 | |
![]() |
1 |
September, 2012 | |
![]() |
1 |
![]() |
1 |
August, 2012 | |
![]() |
1 |
June, 2012 | |
![]() |
2 |
May, 2012 | |
![]() |
2 |
January, 2012 | |
![]() |
1 |
October, 2011 | |
![]() |
2 |
September, 2011 | |
![]() |
1 |
April, 2011 | |
![]() |
2 |
February, 2011 | |
![]() |
3 |
January, 2011 | |
![]() |
29 |
![]() |
19 |
![]() |
4 |
<<NewPagesPerUser links=false>>
December, 2023 | |
![]() |
272 |
![]() |
3 |
February, 2022 | |
![]() |
3 |
![]() |
1 |
November, 2021 | |
![]() |
2 |
March, 2021 | |
![]() |
1 |
June, 2020 | |
![]() |
4 |
March, 2020 | |
![]() |
1 |
![]() |
1 |
January, 2020 | |
![]() |
2 |
December, 2019 | |
![]() |
3 |
November, 2019 | |
![]() |
2 |
November, 2018 | |
![]() |
1 |
December, 2017 | |
![]() |
1 |
December, 2014 | |
![]() |
1 |
![]() |
1 |
September, 2014 | |
![]() |
1 |
![]() |
1 |
August, 2014 | |
![]() |
1 |
May, 2014 | |
![]() |
1 |
March, 2013 | |
![]() |
1 |
September, 2012 | |
![]() |
1 |
![]() |
1 |
August, 2012 | |
![]() |
1 |
June, 2012 | |
![]() |
2 |
May, 2012 | |
![]() |
2 |
January, 2012 | |
![]() |
1 |
October, 2011 | |
![]() |
2 |
September, 2011 | |
![]() |
1 |
April, 2011 | |
![]() |
2 |
February, 2011 | |
![]() |
3 |
January, 2011 | |
![]() |
29 |
![]() |
19 |
![]() |
4 |
See Also
Included from Help/NoCachePlugin
Don't cache the following page. Mostly used for plugins, which display dynamic content.
<<NoCache arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
nocache |
if nocache=purge, delete the whole cache for this page |
1 |
See Also
Included from Help/OldStyleTablePlugin
The OldStyleTable plugin can be used to include tables within a wiki
page using the old-style markup syntax for tables.
This plugin is included for legacy only. We recommend to
use Wikicreole tables
Mediawiki tables instead.
<<OldStyleTable caption="OldStyleTable" border||=2 ||^ *Name* |v *Cost* |v *Notes* | *First* | *Last* |> Jeff |< Dairiki |^ Cheap |< Not worth it |> Marco |< Polo | Cheaper |< Not available >>
will get you
Name | Cost | Notes | |
First | Last | ||
Jeff | Dairiki | Cheap | Not worth it |
Marco | Polo | Cheaper | Not available |
Note that multiple |s lead to spanned columns, and vs can be used to span rows. A > generates a right justified column, < a left justified column and ^ a centered column (which is the default.)
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
caption |
Any string |
Empty string |
border |
Any number |
1 |
cellspacing |
Any number |
1 |
cellpadding |
Any number |
1 |
Note that within each table cell, new-style markup is used. You can only use inline markup --- no block level markup is allowed within table cells.
(Using old-style markup wouldn't make much sense, since one can't include multi-line plugin invocations using the old-style markup rules.)
See Also
Included from Help/OrphanedPagesPlugin
The OrphanedPages plugin returns a list of pages which are not linked to by any other page.
<<OrphanedPages arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
noheader |
Boolean. If true, header should be omitted. |
false |
include_empty |
Boolean. If true, pages that are referenced but not yet created are included in the list. |
false |
exclude |
Comma-separated list of pages to exclude. |
empty |
info |
List of columns to display. |
empty (only the page name will be displayed) |
sortby |
Select column to sort. |
pagename |
limit |
The number of pages to display. If the limit is 0, all orphaned pages will be displayed. |
0 |
paging |
auto (top + bottom rows if applicable) |
auto |
<<OrphanedPages limit=10 paging=none>>
Orphaned Pages in this wiki (245 total):
- FuzzyPages
- Copyrights
- CategoryGroup
- Help/SqlResultPlugin
- Help/CalendarPlugin
- Help/AuthorHistoryPlugin
- Help/AddCommentPlugin
- AuthorHistory
- PhpWikiRecentChanges
See Also
Included from Help/PageDumpPlugin
The PageDump plugin allows to view a single page dump online.
<<PageDump arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
page |
Page to dump |
pagename |
format |
'normal', 'forsvn', 'backup' |
none |
download |
false |
<<PageDump page=HomePage>>
Preview: Page dump of HomePage
(normal formatting: latest revision only)Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2011 17:54:41 +0000 Mime-Version: 1.0 (Produced by PhpWiki 1.6.5) Message-Id: <> Content-Type: application/x-phpwiki; pagename=HomePage; author=cmeerw; owner=The%20PhpWiki%20programming%20team; version=3; lastmodified=1297014881; author_id=cmeerw; hits=166491; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary !! Welcome to ~DevCorner @ <?plugin IncludePage page="Projects" ?> ---- * What is a WikiWikiWeb? A description of this application. * Learn Help:HowToUseWiki and learn about Help:AddingPages. * Use the SandBox page to experiment with Wiki pages. * Please sign your name in RecentVisitors. * See RecentChanges for the latest page additions and changes. * Find out which pages are MostPopular. * Read the ReleaseNotes and RecentReleases. * Administer this wiki via PhpWikiAdministration. * See more PhpWikiDocumentation.Preview as developer format | Preview as backup format
See Also
Included from Help/PageGroupPlugin
The PageGroup plugin allows to browse pages groups.
<<PageGroup arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
parent |
none (required argument) |
rev |
false |
section |
"Contents" |
label |
loop |
false |
<<PageGroup parent=MyTableOfContents >> <<PageGroup parent=MyTableOfContents label="Visit more pages in MyTableOfContents" >> <<PageGroup parent=MyTableOfContents section=PartTwo loop=true >> <<PageGroup parent=MyTableOfContents loop=1 >>
See Also
Included from Help/PageHistoryPlugin
The PageHistory plugin lists history of a given page.
<<PageHistory arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
pagename |
The page to execute upon |
current pagename |
days |
Number of days |
show_minor |
Show minor modifications |
true |
show_major |
Show major modifications |
true |
limit |
Number of versions to display |
100 |
format |
Format to display: 'rss' |
false |
See Also
Included from Help/PageInfoPlugin
The PageInfo plugin returns extra information about a page.
This plugin just passes a page revision handle to the Template 'info.tmpl', which does all the real work.
<<PageInfo arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
page |
pagename |
version |
Last Modified: | 29 December 2023 20:55 |
Last Author: | bofh |
Page Version: | 1 |
Size: | 140 words, 1.3 KiB (1317 bytes) |
Hits: | 4214 |
Last Summary: | |
ACL type: | page permission inherited from default |
See Also
Included from Help/PageTrailPlugin
The PageTrail plugin displays the recently visited pages.
Typically add to some template at the top or at the bottom. See themes/blog.
<<PageTrail arguments>> <<PageTrail numberlinks=5>> <<PageTrail invisible=1>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
numberlinks |
number of links to display |
5 |
invisible |
false |
duplicates |
false |
Optional Configuration
define('PAGETRAIL_ARROW', " => ") in the sourcecode or add it to config.ini
- Carsten Klapp
See Also
Included from Help/PasswordResetPlugin
The PasswordReset plugin requires an
with the content <<PasswordReset>> to be able the reset user passwords.
Any Administrator may reset (i.e. delete) any users password. The user may login with an empty password then or set a new one at the sign in page.
A normal user may only reset a users password who has his email address defined. For users with undefined email address you have to ask an Administrator to reset any password.
Authenticated users should change their passwords at their UserPreferences page.
<<PasswordReset>> <<PasswordReset user=username>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
user |
Username to reset the password (optional) |
empty |
Included from Help/PhotoAlbumPlugin
The PhotoAlbum plugin makes an 'album' by displaying a set of photos listed in a text file with optional descriptions.
<<PhotoAlbum arguments>>
Only the src parameter is required.
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
src |
URL or local path to a CSV textfile which separates filename and description of each photo. Photos listed in the text file have to be in same directory as the file. Descriptions are optional. If the local path points to a directory, is relative from PHPWIKI_DIR, and the main script is in PHPWIKI_DIR, url must not be given, and all pictures from this directory are displayed. |
url |
Defines the webpath to the srcdir directory. |
empty |
mode |
Specifies how the images are arranged.
normal |
numcols |
photos per row, columns |
3 |
showdesc |
both |
link |
Boolean. If true, each image will be hyperlinked to a page where the single photo will be shown full-size. Only works when mode is different from 'normal' |
true |
attrib |
attrib arg allows multiple attributes: attrib=sort,nowrap,alt
align |
center, right or left |
center |
bgcolor |
Cell background color |
#eae8e8 (lightgrey) |
hlcolor |
Highlight color |
#c0c0ff (lightblue) |
height, width |
Height and width are calculated compared to original metrics
retrieved by |
attrib |
attrib arg allows multiple attributes: attrib=sort,nowrap,alt 'sort' sorts alphabetically, 'nowrap' for cells, 'alt' to use descs instead of filenames in image ALT-tags |
cellwidth |
cell (auto|equal|image|75|100%) Width of cells in table. Either absolute value in pixels, HTML style percentage, "auto" (no special action), "equal" (where all columns are equally sized) or "image" (take height and width of the photo in that cell). |
tablewidth |
table (75|100%) |
false |
p |
"displaythissinglephoto.jpg" only |
false |
h |
"highlightcolorofthisphoto.jpg" only |
false |
duration |
in slide mode, duration in seconds |
6 |
thumbswidth |
width of thumbnails |
80 |
Text file
Possible content of a valid text file:
photo-01.jpg; My girlfriend and I photo-02.jpg christmas.gif; Merry Christmas!
Sample Albums
local dir:
<<PhotoAlbum src="themes/Hawaiian/images/pictures/" mode=slide duration=1 >>
or via external URL:
<<PhotoAlbum src="" mode=tiles >>
Ted Vinke: original author
Reini Urban: local fs
- Thomas Harding: slides and thumbs
Included from Help/PhpHighlightPlugin
The PhpHighlight plugin pretty-prints PHP code using the
You specify options for the plugin on the same line as <<PhpHighlight, and put the code on the following lines, until the final >>:
<<PhpHighlight [wrap?] [color options] code to be highlighted >>
Depending on the wrap option, then the plugin will take care of
adding <?php and ?> to the code before passing it to
php-function:highlight-string. If the PHP delimiters were added, then
the plugin removes them again from the highlighted string, before presenting it.
Automatic Wrapping
If you don't want the plugin to automatically wrap the source code in <?php and ?>, then set wrap to 0. The default value is 1, which means that the plugin takes care of adding and removing <?php and ?> automatically.
If you set wrap to 0, then you'll be able to mix PHP code with HTML. The plugin will then translate '< ?php' into '<?php' and '? >' into '?>' to allow you to start and stop PHP mode in your code.
Color Options
The plugin accepts optional color arguments which correspond to the
highlight settings in php.ini. Specified colors must be a valid
hexadecimal color or
HTML 4 color name
in lowercase, such as '#0f0344' or blue. You can set the
following options: string, comment, keyword, bg, default, and html.
Note: bg no longer exists in PHP >= 5.4.
PHP with default colors from php.ini:
function hello() {
echo "Hello World<p>";
HTML with embedded PHP
Here we have to use wrap=0 to prevent automatic wrapping, and escape '?>' as '? >':
<title>PHP Test</title>
<?php echo "<p>Hello World</p>\n"; ?>
C Source
Although highlight_string() was designed with PHP code in mind it is suitable for basic syntax-highlighting of most C code because the two syntax are similar.
#include <stdio.h>
/* Get load */
if ((fp = fopen("/proc/loadavg", "r")) == NULL) {
syslog(LOG_ERR, _("%s %s: unable to open %s: %s"), _("FATAL ERROR:"),
"getload()", "/proc/loadavg", strerror(errno));
Known Problems
<<PhpHighlight testing[somearray]; testing~[badworkaround~]; >>
will swallow "[somearray]"
Martin Geisler
Carsten Klapp (added ability to override colors defined in php.ini)
See Also
SyntaxHighlighter plugin for highlighting other languages.
Included from Help/PhpWeatherPlugin
The PhpWeather plugin is a plugin that uses PhpWeather to display
a block of text with the current weather for some airport in the
world. It looks like this:
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
menu |
Set this to true to have the plugin generate a menu after the report. The user will able to select a country from this menu, and after that, an airport and a language. |
false |
icao |
Use this to pre-select a specific airport instead of using the default one which is EKAH. If you want the user to be able to change the station using the menu, then you have to use this as <<PhpWeather menu=true icao||=EKYT>> so that the value can be overwritten when the user submits the form. If you just use <<PhpWeather menu=true icao=EKYT>> then nothing will happen when the user selects another station from the list. |
cc |
Specify the country code. You can use this if you want pre-select a different country than the one specified in the ICAO. So using <<PhpWeather menu=true cc||=GB icao||=KTTS>> will show the current weather at the NASA Shuttle Facility, United States (KTTS) and at the same time give the user a list of stations in the United Kingdom. As the example shows, then you should use cc||=XX when combining it with menu set to true. |
language |
The default language. When combining language with menu set to true then remember to use the language||=xx form. |
units |
You can specify the way the units are printed. The choice is between having both metric and imperial units printed, or just one of them. Setting units to both_metric will print the metric value first and then the imperial value in parenthesis. Using both_imperial instead will do the opposite. If you only need the metric or imperial units to be shown, then setting units to only_metric or only_imperial will do just that. |
Weather in Brittany :
<<PhpWeather cc=FR icao=LFRN language=en units=only_metric>>
which is now :
Known Problems
The plugin does not work through a proxy.
Included from Help/PloticusPlugin
The Ploticus plugin passes all its arguments to the Ploticus
binary and displays the result as PNG, GIF, EPS, SVG or SVGZ.
Ploticus is a free, GPL, non-interactive software package
for producing plots, charts, and graphics from data.
Ploticus uses a cache expire date of days.
<<Ploticus device||=png [ploticus options...] multiline ploticus script ... >>
or without any script: (not tested)
<<Ploticus -prefab vbars data=myfile.dat delim=tab y=1 clickmapurl="http://mywiki.url/wiki/?pagename=@2" clickmaplabel="@3" -csmap >>
TODO: PloticusSql - create intermediate data from SQL. Similar to SqlResult plugin,
just in graphic form.
For example to produce nice looking pagehit statistics or ratings statistics.
Ploticus has its own sql support within #getproc data, but this would expose security information.
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
device |
gif, png, jpeg, svg, svgz, eps. Any -T parameter supported by Ploticus. |
png |
data |
optionally add data by <!plugin-list !> pagelist plugins. See |
alt |
alt text for the image |
-prefab |
use the given prefab script (may need PLOTICUS_PREFABS) |
-csmap |
If a clickable map should be produced (not yet tested) passed to Ploticus as -csmap -mapfile $ |
help |
Show a help screen |
All other arguments are used as source to Ploticus.
Known Problems
For Windows you need either a gd library with GIF support or a Ploticus with PNG support. This comes only with the Cygwin build so far.
Optional Configuration
- config.ini
- PLOTICUS_EXE = pl.exe (on Windows) PLOTICUS_EXE = /usr/local/bin/pl (elsewhere)
prefabs need the environment variable PLOTICUS_PREFABS. Default: /usr/share/ploticus. Maybe also set by the config variable PLOTICUS_PREFABS.
See also Help:WikiPluginCached options in config.ini.
Sample Pie Chart:
<<Ploticus device||=png alt="Sample Pie Chart" #proc page #if @DEVICE in gif,png scale: 0.7 #endif // specify data using {proc getdata} #proc getdata data: Brazil 22 Columbia 17 "Costa Rica" 22 Guatemala 3 Honduras 12 Mexico 14 Nicaragua 28 Belize 9 United\nStates 21 Canada 8 // render the pie graph using {proc pie} #proc pie firstslice: 90 explode: .2 0 0 0 0 .2 0 datafield: 2 labelfield: 1 labelmode: line+label center: 4 4 radius: 2 colors: yellow pink pink pink pink yellow pink labelfarout: 1.05 >>
See Also
Included from Help/PluginManagerPlugin
The PluginManager plugin provides a dynamic list of plugins on this wiki.
<<PluginManager info=args>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
info |
Display the arguments also. To disable use info=0. |
enabled |
define('REQUIRE_ADMIN', true) in the sourcecode to disable general usage.
PhpWiki lets you extend it with new functionality via a plugin
mechanism. In short, you extend a PHP class we provide and customize
it to print out the content you want. For more information see
Help:HelloWorldPlugin, and view the source of the files in
If there is no example page for the plugin, or you need more information, the best place to go is the source of the plugin. Under your wiki's root directory, the folder lib/plugin contains all the PHP files for the plugins.
External Requirements
Some plugins require correctly configured PLUGIN_CACHED and external libraries not provided with PhpWiki or PHP, such as
PHP with GD support for the
text2png plugin,
LaTeX2HTML for the
TexToPng plugin and
TeX2png plugin,
graphviz for the
GraphViz plugin and
VisualWiki plugin,
ploticus for the
Ploticus plugin,
- USE_DB_SESSION = true (default for the peardb or dba backends) for the
WhoIsOnline plugin,
- --with-xml support (with expat or libxml2) for the
RssFeed plugin (ProjectSummary, RecentReleases) and HtmlParser support (ImportHtml, HtmlAreaEditing),
- PHP Mail functionality (php.ini: SMTP + sendmail_from on Windows or sendmail_path) for email PageChangeNotifications and ModeratedPage's,
- a
Google license key for the
GooglePlugin plugin,
- optionally apache/mod_log_{my}sql for fast, external log analysis if ACCESS_LOG_SQL=1 (Referer, Abuse Prevention). See lib/Request.php and
Included from Help/PopUpPlugin
Display a page in a clickable popup link.
<<PopUp arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
link |
title |
text |
width |
500 |
height |
400 |
resizable |
no |
scrollbars |
no |
toolbar |
no |
location |
no |
directories |
no |
status |
no |
menubar |
no |
copyhistory |
no |
close |
no |
<<PopUp link="HomePage" text="Click here to popup the HomePage" >>Click here to popup the HomePage
See Also
Included from Help/PopularNearbyPlugin
The PopularNearby plugin will list the most popular pages nearby.
<<PopularNearby arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
pagename |
Pagename to look for |
empty |
mode |
Nearby or incoming or outgoing |
nearby |
limit |
Maximum number of pages |
5 |
noheader |
Boolean. If true, header should be omitted. |
false |
<<PopularNearby pagename=HomePage limit=3>>3 most popular nearby: Help/EditMetaDataPlugin (30), Help/RandomPagePlugin (28), Help/PopUpPlugin (27)
See Also
Included from Help/PopularTagsPlugin
The PopularTags plugin lists the most popular tags.
<<PopularTags arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
limit |
Maximum number of tags to display |
10 |
mincount |
Minimum popularity of the tag (number of backlinks) |
5 |
See Also
Included from Help/PreferenceAppPlugin
The PreferenceApp plugin is used to analyze a category of items
that a group of people have rated. A user is grouped to be analyzed in the group by
- having rated at least one item in the database and
- matching the optional criteria for declaring a budget on their homepage.
An example of a budget declaration would be "TotalSoda: 50" on my homepage.
PreferenceApp will output a matrix style table shows "how much" fractionally a group of people prefer an item over other items. For example, if my soda budget is 100 then PreferenceApp might assign 20 units of my budget to Moutain Dew.
<<PreferenceApp arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
category |
null |
lockedBudget |
null |
pageTextLabel |
null |
group |
null |
roundCalc |
true |
neutralRating |
3 |
declareBudget |
true |
<<PreferenceApp category="Soda" pageTextLabel="TotalSoda" roundCalc="true" >>
- mcassano circa April 2004
See Also
Included from Help/PreferencesInfoPlugin
Plugin to display the current preferences without auth check.
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
page |
The page to execute upon |
Current pagename |
userid |
The user name |
Current userid |
See Also
Included from Help/PrevNextPlugin
The PrevLink plugin allows to display Previous and Next buttons on a wiki page for easy navigation.
<<PrevNext prev=PrevLink next=NextLink>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
prev |
Link to the Previous page |
empty |
next |
Link to the Next page |
empty |
up |
Link to the Up page |
empty |
contents |
Link to the Contents page |
empty |
index |
Link to the Index page |
empty |
first |
Link to the First page |
empty |
last |
Link to the Last page |
empty |
order |
Reorder the buttons: comma-delimited |
empty |
align |
Can be left, right or center |
left |
style |
Can be button or text |
button |
class |
Can be wikiaction or another class |
wikiaction |
<<PrevNext prev="Help/CreateTocPlugin" next="Help/MediawikiTablePlugin">>

<<PrevNext prev="Help/CreateTocPlugin" next="Help/MediawikiTablePlugin" contents="Help" >>

<<PrevNext prev="Help/CreateTocPlugin" next="Help/MediawikiTablePlugin" contents="Help" align="right" >>
![]() ![]() ![]() |
<<PrevNext prev="Help/CreateTocPlugin" next="Help/MediawikiTablePlugin" contents="Help" align="center" >>
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
<<PrevNext prev="Help/CreateTocPlugin" next="Help/MediawikiTablePlugin" up="Help" style="text" >>[ Previous | Next | Up ]
<<PrevNext prev="Help/CreateTocPlugin" next="Help/MediawikiTablePlugin" index="Help" >>

<<PrevNext first="Help/AddCommentPlugin" prev="Help/CreateTocPlugin" next="Help/MediawikiTablePlugin" last="Help/YouTubePlugin" >>

<<PrevNext first="Help/AddCommentPlugin" prev="Help/CreateTocPlugin" next="Help/MediawikiTablePlugin" last="Help/YouTubePlugin" order="first,last,prev,next" >>

See Also
Included from Help/ProcessingPlugin
The Processing plugin is an interface to
<<Processing arguments processing code >>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
width |
200 |
height |
200 |
script |
One line script. Not very likely. |
false |
onmousemove |
false |
See Also
Included from Help/RandomPagePlugin
The RandomPage plugin displays a list of randomly chosen pages or redirects to a random page.
<<RandomPage arguments>>
All PageList arguments, plus the following ones:
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
numpages |
Number of pages to list. The number of random pages should be between 1 and 20. If greater, 20 will be used. |
20 |
redirect |
Boolean. If true, do not display random page link, redirect to random page. |
false |
hidename |
Boolean. If true, hide name (only for numpages=1) |
false |
exclude |
Pages to exclude from random |
<<RandomPage numpages=10>>
<?plugin RandomPage numpages=10?>
See Also
Included from Help/RateItPlugin
RateIt: A recommender system, based on MovieLens and "suggest".
Store user ratings per pagename. The wikilens theme displays a navbar image bar with some nice Javascript magic and this plugin shows various recommendations.
There should be two methods to store ratings:
- In a SQL database as in wikilens
The most important fact: A page has more than one rating. There can be (and will be!) many ratings per page (ratee): different raters (users), in different dimensions. Are those stored per page (ratee)? Then what if I wish to access the ratings per rater (user)?
Wikilens plans several user-centered applications like:
- a) show my ratings
- b) show my buddies' ratings
- c) show how my ratings are like my buddies'
- d) show where I agree/disagree with my buddy
- e) show what this group of people agree/disagree on
If the ratings are stored in a real DB in a table, we can index the
ratings by rater and ratee, and be confident in
performance. Currently MovieLens has 80,000 users, 7,000 items,
10,000,000 ratings. This is an average of 1400 ratings/page if each
page were rated equally. However, they're not: the most popular
things have tens of thousands of ratings (e.g., "Pulp Fiction" has
42,000 ratings). If ratings are stored per page, you would have to
save/read huge page metadata every time someone submits a
rating. Finally, the movie domain has an unusually small number of
items-- I'd expect a lot more in music, for example.
For a simple rating system one can also store the rating in the page metadata (default).
Recommender Engines:
- Recommendation/Prediction is a special field of "Data Mining"
For a list of (also free) software see
- movielens: (Java Server) will be gpl'd in summer 2004 (weighted)
- suggest: is free for non-commercial use, available as compiled library (non-weighted)
- Autoclass: simple public domain C library
- MLC++: C++ library
Note: The wikilens theme or any derivate must be enabled, to enable this plugin!
<<RateIt>> just the widget without text <<RateIt show=top>> text plus widget below <<RateIt show=ratings>> to show my ratings TODO: <<RateIt show=buddies>> to show my buddies <<RateIt show=ratings dimension=1>> TODO: <<RateIt show=text>> just text, no widget, for dumps
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
pagename |
The page to execute upon |
current pagename |
version |
false |
version |
false |
id |
rateit |
imgPrefix |
(empty) or BStar or Star |
(empty) |
dimension |
false |
small |
false |
show |
false |
mode |
false |
- Dan Frankowski (wikilens author),
Reini Urban (as plugin)
See Also
Included from Help/RawHtmlPlugin
With this plugin you can embed raw unfiltered HTML in the page source; say, for example, you want to put in a complicated set of nested tables to display data. By default, raw HTML is not allowed in most Wikis due to security problems (because malicious users can insert redirects, Javascript, etc.)
For this plugin to work, the page must be locked by the administrator. If you are seeing the raw HTML being displayed below, instead of rendered, try locking the page (log in as the administrator first).
<?plugin RawHtml <!-- Keep link lines at 72 characters or lynx will break them poorly. --> <!-- Obviously, we list ONLY the most useful/important URLs here. --> <!-- Keep it short and sweet: 3 lines and 2 columns is already enough --> <table border="1" cellpadding="10"> <tr><td>Sample HTML from</td> <td> <!-- Keep link lines at 72 characters or lynx will break them poorly. --> <!-- Obviously, we list ONLY the most useful/important URLs here. --> <!-- Keep it short and sweet: 3 lines and 2 columns is already enough --> <table> <tr> <td align="left"> <ul> <li><a href="">What we provide</a></li> <li><a href="">Why we exist</a></li> <li><a href="">Where we are going</a></li> </ul> </td> <td> <ul> <li><a href="">How you can help us get there</a></li> <li><a href="">Who we are</a></li> <li><a href="">What users think of GNU software</a></li> </ul> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> ?>
Included from Help/RecentChangesCachedPlugin
Cache output of RecentChanges called with default arguments.
Same as Help:RecentChangesPlugin
<<RecentChangesCached limit=10>>
See Also
Included from Help/RecentChangesPlugin
The RecentChanges plugin lists the most recent
modifications in the wiki.
<<RecentChanges arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
pagename |
The page to execute upon |
current pagename |
days |
Number of days. Specifying 0 will display modifications since wiki creation. |
2 |
show_minor |
Show minor modifications |
false |
show_major |
Show major modifications |
true |
show_all |
Display a page multiple times if it was modified more that once. |
false |
show_deleted |
Show deleted pages |
sometimes |
only_new |
Show only new pages |
false |
author |
Show only modifications from a specific author |
false |
owner |
Show only pages from a specific owner |
false |
limit |
Do not show more pages that the limit. |
false |
format |
Default is HTML. Other: rss, rss2, rss091, atom, sidebar, box, contribs |
false |
daylist |
Comma-separated list of days |
false |
difflinks |
Show diff links |
true |
historylinks |
Show history links |
false (true for Monobook and FusionForge) |
caption |
Custom caption |
category |
Limit pages to a given category |
pagematch |
Limit to pages matching pattern |
<<RecentChanges limit=10>>

The 10 most recent major edits during the past 2 days are listed below.
No changes found
<<RecentChanges show_minor=1>>
<<RecentChanges days=30>>
See Also
Included from Help/RecentCommentsPlugin
The RecentComments plugin lists basepages with recently added comments.
<<RecentComments arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
pagename |
The page to execute upon |
current pagename |
days |
Number of days. Specifying 0 will display modifications since wiki creation. |
2 |
show_major |
Show major modifications |
true |
show_deleted |
Show deleted pages |
sometimes |
only_new |
Show only new pages |
false |
author |
Show only modifications from a specific author |
false |
owner |
Show only pages from a specific owner |
false |
limit |
Do not show more pages that the limit. |
false |
format |
Default is HTML. Other: rss, rss2, rss091, atom, sidebar, box, contribs |
false |
daylist |
Comma-separated list of days |
false |
difflinks |
Show diff links |
true |
historylinks |
Show history links |
false (true for Monobook and FusionForge) |
category |
Limit pages to a given category |
pagematch |
Limit to pages matching pattern |
The most recent comments during the past 2 days are listed below.
No comments found
See Also
Included from Help/RecentEditsPlugin
The RecentEdits plugin lists all recent edits in this wiki.
<<RecentEdits arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
pagename |
The page to execute upon |
current pagename |
days |
Number of days. Specifying 0 will display modifications since wiki creation. |
2 |
show_major |
Show major modifications |
true |
show_deleted |
Show deleted pages |
sometimes |
only_new |
Show only new pages |
false |
author |
Show only modifications from a specific author |
false |
owner |
Show only pages from a specific owner |
false |
limit |
Do not show more pages that the limit. |
false |
format |
Default is HTML. Other: rss, rss2, rss091, atom, sidebar, box, contribs |
false |
daylist |
Comma-separated list of days |
false |
difflinks |
Show diff links |
true |
historylinks |
Show history links |
false (true for Monobook and FusionForge) |
caption |
Custom caption |
category |
Limit pages to a given category |
pagematch |
Limit to pages matching pattern |
<<RecentEdits limit=10>>

The 10 most recent edits during the past 2 days are listed below.
No changes found
See Also
Included from Help/RecentReferrersPlugin
The RecentReferrers plugin allows to analyse access log.
<<RecentReferrers arguments>>
All PageList arguments, plus the following ones:
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
noheader |
Boolean. If true, header should be omitted. |
false |
limit |
15 |
See Also
Included from HomePage
Welcome to DevCorner @
Included from Projects
Tizen Ports: Port Tizen to devices running mainline Linux.
... first 3 lines
downtime: A lightweight and fully modular network monitoring package written in 100 % pure Python.
... first 3 lines
feedme: Atom syndication feeder
... first 3 lines
gpsloc: Show your GPS coordinates as lat/lng (decimal format), lat/lng (degrees, minutes, seconds) or MGRS.
... first 3 lines
greylstd: simple SQLite-based greylisting daemon
... first 3 lines
hikingmaps: Map application for outdoor enthusiasts that lets you:
- Track your movements and collect statistics about your hike
... first 3 lines
icmptransd: UDP via ICMP transport daemon
... first 3 lines
jabrss: A simple RSS (RDF Site Summary) headline notification service for Jabber/XMPP.
A public instance of the bot is available via
... first 3 lines
jabxpcom: XPCOM interface to jabberoo library
... first 3 lines
newscache: NNTP caching server
... first 3 lines
nginetd: Next-generation Internet Daemon
... first 3 lines
py42svn: Python Perforce to Subversion repository conversion script.
... first 3 lines
qrcode: QR Code application to generate a QR code for the text entered and show it on the display.
The application has mainly been tested on a Samsung Galaxy Watch.
... first 3 lines
sipfwd: SIP forwarding daemon
... first 3 lines
sodp: Simple ODP (Open Director Project) viewer
... first 3 lines
totp: Two-factor authenticator app implementing RFC 6238 TOTP (Time-Based One-Time Password).
The application has mainly been tested on a Samsung Galaxy Watch.
... first 3 lines
wifivpn: Linksys WRT54G based wireless router with OpenVPN-enhanced security.
... first 3 lines
wtrn: web threaded read news
... first 3 lines
xpcard: XPCard is an XPCOM wrapper component around the PC/SC API.
... first 3 lines
xpcorba: XPCOM to CORBA bridge
... first 3 lines
- What is a WikiWikiWeb? A description of this application.
- Learn
Help:HowToUseWiki and learn about
- Use the SandBox page to experiment with Wiki pages.
- Please sign your name in RecentVisitors.
- See RecentChanges for the latest page additions and changes.
- Find out which pages are MostPopular.
- Read the ReleaseNotes and RecentReleases.
- Administer this wiki via PhpWikiAdministration.
- See more PhpWikiDocumentation.
Included from Help/RelatedChangesPlugin
The RelatedChanges plugin gives a list of changes on all pages which are linked to from this page.
<<RelatedChanges arguments>>
The arguments are the same as for RecentChanges plugin.

The most recent edits during the past 2 days are listed below. (to pages linked from “PhpWikiManual”)
No changes found
Included from Help/RichTablePlugin
The RichTable plugin is a plugin that takes off from the
OldStyleTable plugin. It allows a user to specify arbitrary properties of <table>, <tr> and <td> with a very simple markup.
This plugin is included for legacy only. We recommend to
use Mediawiki tables instead.
The contents of each cell are individually processed by the BlockParser. This means that you can do interesting things like put invoke plugins, use enumerated lists etc within each cell!
A "-" (dash) at the start of a new line represents a new row in the table.
A "|" (vertical bar or pipe) at the start of a new line represents a cell.
Attributes for the tags
A line that starts with a "*" (star or asterisk) after a "|" is parsed for attributes for the corresponding cell.
Attributes for the table are given on line that starts with a "*", only if the line appears before any other line except whitespace.
A line that starts with a - is always parsed for attributes since it can't have any content, unlike a cell.
Cell contents
Cell contents are processed by the BlockParser.
Any line that starts with a "*" anywhere other than the table attribute line is treated as normal content.
Any line that starts with whitespace is also treated as content.
Any cell line that does not have a "*" after the "|" is treated as normal content.
All content lines that follow a cell line are added to that cell. They can contain arbitrary text except the above cases.
If there is no cell in the current row, content lines are dropped silently.
Special characters
The two special characters "~" and "?>" should be escaped as "\~" and "?\>". I haven't discovered any other characters yet that might need to be escaped. This is required for the block parser to work.
We allow attributes with or without quotes ("):
border=1, cellpadding="5" style="font-family: sans-serif; border-top:1px solid #dddddd;" style="font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
This cell actually has a plugin invocation inside it! One page links to PhpWikiManual: |
One paragraph Another paragraph? |
This cell uses the row color |
The above table is rendered from:
<<RichTable *border=1, cellpadding=5, bgcolor=#f0f8f8, width=75%, align=center - |* colspan=3, align=center HomePage - |* colspan=2 [] |* rowspan=2 This cell actually has a plugin invocation inside it! <?plugin BackLinks ?\> - bgcolor=white | # One # Two | * Foo * Bar - bgcolor=cyan This line gets dropped ... no cell to contain it! |* bgcolor=#f0f0ff, align=center One paragraph. Another paragraph? |* align=left This cell uses the row color | I wish this cell had a nested table inside it! :( >>
Known Problems
- The plugin can't nest itself. Thus nested tables are currently not possible. See
Mediawiki tables to have nested tables.
See Also
Included from Help/RssFeedPlugin
The RssFeed plugin allows to display external RSS feeds.
<<RssFeed url=http://somesite.tld/linktofeed.rss>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
url |
RSS Feed URL |
empty |
feed |
RSS Feed Name |
empty |
description |
Description of the RSS Feed |
empty |
maxitem |
Max. number of entries (0 = unlimited) |
0 |
titleonly |
Boolean. If true, do not display item body. |
false |
PhpWikiRss feed for PhpWiki:RecentChanges
<<RssFeed feed=PhpWikiRss description="PhpWiki RecentChanges" url=>>
Included from Help/SearchHighlightPlugin
The SearchHighLight plugin is an
action page plugin,
which is only used internally.
When someone is referred from a search engine like Google, Yahoo or our own FullTextSearch, the terms the user searched for are highlighted.
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
s |
The search term |
empty |
noheader |
Boolean. If true, header should be omitted. |
false |
hits |
Boolean. If true, print the list of lines with lines terms additionally. |
false |
case_exact |
Boolean. If true, highlight only case exact searches. Not yet supported. |
false |
regex |
Not yet supported. |
empty |
Included from Help/SemanticRelationsPlugin
Display the list of relations and attributes on this page.
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
page |
Which pages (glob allowed) |
Current page |
relations |
Which relations |
All |
attributes |
Which attributes |
All |
units |
Not yet implemented. |
noheader |
Boolean. If true, header should be omitted. |
false |
nohelp |
Boolean. If true, do not display help. |
false |
Help/SemanticRelations - Find out how to add relations and attributes to pages.
See Also
Included from Help/SemanticSearchAdvancedPlugin
Parse and execute a full query expression.
<<SemanticSearchAdvanced arguments>>
All PageList arguments, plus the following ones:
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
s |
query expression |
* |
page |
which pages (glob allowed) |
* (all) |
case_exact |
Boolean. If true, search with case exact. |
false |
regex |
Type of regular expression used for searching |
auto |
noform |
Boolean. If true, don't show form with results. |
false |
noheader |
Boolean. If true, header should be omitted. |
false |
See Also
Included from Help/SemanticSearchPlugin
Search for relations/attributes and its values.
page - relation::object. e.g list all cities: is_a::city => relation=is_a&s=city
We search for both a relation and if the search is valid for attributes also, and OR combine the result.
An attribute has just a value, which is a number, and which is for sure no pagename, and its value goes through some units unification. (not yet)
We can also do numerical comparison and unit lifting with attributes:
- population > 1000000
- population > 1 million
- The backends can already do simple AND/OR combination of multiple relations and attributes to search for. Just the UI not. TODO: implement the AND/OR buttons. population < 1 million AND area > 50 km2
- Due to attribute internals a relation search with matching attribute names will also find those attribute names, but not the values. You must explicitly search for attributes then.
The Advanced query can do a freeform query expression with multiple comparison and nesting.
- "is_a::city and population > 1.000.000 and population < 10.000.000"
- "(is_a::city or is_a::country) and population < 10.000.000"
<<SemanticSearch arguments>>
All PageList arguments, plus the following ones:
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
s |
linkvalue query string |
* |
page |
which pages (glob allowed) |
* (all) |
relation |
linkname. which relations. |
all |
attribute |
linkname. which attributes. |
all |
attr_op |
a funny written way for equality for pure aesthetic pleasure "All attributes which have this value set" |
:= |
units |
case_exact |
Boolean. If true, search with case exact. |
true |
regex |
no word splitting, if no regex op is present, defaults to exact match |
auto |
noform |
Boolean. If true, don't show form with results. |
false |
noheader |
Boolean. If true, header should be omitted. |
false |
info |
valid: pagename, relation, linkto, attribute, value and all other pagelist columns |
false |
See Also
Included from Help/SiteMapPlugin
This is a quick mod of BackLinks plugin to do the job recursively. If your
site is categorized correctly, and all the categories are listed in
CategoryCategory, then a recursive BackLinks there will produce a contents
page for the entire site.
The list is as deep as the recursion level (reclimit).
<<SiteMap direction=back|forward reclimit=4>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
direction |
Get BackLinks or forward links (links listed on the page) |
back |
firstreversed |
Boolean. If true, get BackLinks for the first page and forward links for the rest. Only applicable when direction = 'forward'. |
false |
excludeunknown |
Boolean. If true, then exclude any mentioned pages which don't exist yet. Only applicable when direction = 'forward'. |
true |
exclude |
List of pagenames to exclude, separated by comma |
empty |
include_self |
Boolean. If true, include yourself in the results. |
false |
noheader |
Boolean. If true, header should be omitted. |
false |
page |
Page to get SiteMap from |
The current page |
description |
Override default description. Printed as header. |
Default description |
reclimit |
Maximum recusion level |
4 |
info |
Info to display in the table |
false |
<<SiteMap page=PhpWikiDocumentation>>
Recursively get BackLinks or links. (max. recursion level: 4):
- Cuthbert Cat (cuthbertcat)
See Also
Included from Help/SpellCheckPlugin
Check the spelling of a page and make suggestions.
<<SpellCheck arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
pagename |
Plugin WikiPluginCached failed. sh: 1: aspell: not found Plugin SpellCheck failed. Couldn't start commandline “aspell -a -C --data-dir=/usr/share/aspell --lang=en ”Author
See Also
Included from Help/SqlResultPlugin
The SqlResult plugin displays results of arbitrary SQL select statements in table form.
The database definition, the DSN, must be defined in the local file config/SqlResult.ini
A simple textfile with alias = dsn lines.
Optional template file to format the result and handle some logic.
Template vars: %%where%%, %%sortby%%, %%limit%%
<<SqlResult parameters SELECT statement >>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
alias |
DSN database specification |
false |
ordered |
if to display as <ol> list: single col only without template |
false |
template |
use a custom <theme>/template.tmpl |
false |
where |
custom filter for the query |
false |
sortby |
for paging |
false (no paging) |
limit |
for paging |
0,50 (only the first 50) |
<<SqlResult alias=mysql SELECT 'mysql password for string "xx":', PASSWORD('xx') >> <<SqlResult alias=videos template=videos SELECT rating,title,date FROM video ORDER BY rating DESC LIMIT 5 >> <<SqlResult alias=imdb template=imdbmovies where||="Davies, Jeremy%" SELECT m.title,,, c.role FROM movies as m, names as n, jobs as j, characters as c WHERE LIKE "%%where%%" AND m.title_id = c.title_id AND n.name_id = c.name_id AND c.job_id = j.job_id AND j.description = 'Actor' ORDER BY DESC >>
See Also
Included from Help/SyncWikiPlugin
The SyncWiki plugin allows to synchronize pages with external
<<SyncWiki arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
url |
noimport |
0 |
noexport |
0 |
noupload |
0 |
label |
passwd |
false |
sid |
false |
<<SyncWiki>>Plugin SyncWiki failed. A required argument “url” is missing.
See Also
Included from Help/SyntaxHighlighterPlugin
The SyntaxHighlighter plugin will highlight source
code in a variety of languages.
Highlighting is done in Javascript with
Recognized languages are the following:
Apache | Bash | C# | C++ |
CSS | CoffeeScript | Diff | HTML, XML |
HTTP | Ini | JSON | Java |
JavaScript | Makefile | Markdown | Nginx |
Objective C | PHP | Perl | Python |
Ruby | SQL |
The source code is put between <<SyntaxHighlighter and >>.
<<SyntaxHighlighter #include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("Lalala\n"); } >>
will give:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
The first implementation of this plugin passed all its arguments through a C++
highlighter called "highlight" (available at
This implementation allowed the following arguments, which are now ignored.
Former Arguments
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
syntax |
none (required argument), see |
style |
[ "ansi", "gnu", "kr", "java", "linux" ] (required) |
color |
null (optional), see highlight/themes |
number |
0 (optional) |
wrap |
0 (optional) |
- alecthomas
- Fixes by
Reini Urban
- Re-implementation with by Alain Peyrat and Marc-Etienne Vargenau, Alcatel-Lucent
Included from Help/SystemInfoPlugin
The SystemInfo plugin provides access to lower level system information for the platform PhpWiki is installed on.
<<SystemInfo all>> or <<SystemInfo pagestats cachestats discspace hitstats>> or <<SystemInfo version>> or <<SystemInfo current_theme>> or <<SystemInfo PHPWIKI_DIR>>
Application name | PhpWiki |
PhpWiki engine version | 1.6.5 |
Cache statistics | cached pagedata: 383, cached versiondata: 377 |
Page statistics | 376 pages, 376 not-empty pages |
User statistics | 0 homepages |
Hit statistics | total hits: 829622, max: 166491, mean: 2206.441, median: 93, stddev: 47.035; 364 pages with less than 16649 hits (<10%). 1 page(s) with more than 149841 hits (>90%). |
Harddisc usage | Application size: 10820 KiB |
Wikiname regexp | (?<![[:alnum:]])(?:[[:upper:]][[:lower:][:digit:]]+){2,}(?![[:alnum:]]) |
Allowed protocols | http https mailto ftp news nntp ssh gopher |
Inline images | png jpg jpeg gif |
Plugins installed | Total 135 plugins: AddComment, AllPages, AllUsers, AnalyseAccessLogSql, AppendText, AsciiMath, AsciiSVG, AtomFeed, AuthorHistory, BackLinks, BlogArchives, BlogJournal, BoxRight, CacheTest, Calendar, CalendarList, Chart, Comment, CreateBib, CreatePage, CreateToc, CurrentTime, DeadEndPages, DebugAuthInfo, DebugBackendInfo, DebugGroupInfo, DebugRetransform, Diff, DynamicIncludePage, EditMetaData, ExternalSearch, FacebookLike, FileInfo, FoafViewer, FullTextSearch, FuzzyPages, GoogleMaps, GooglePlugin, GoTo, GraphViz, HelloWorld, HtmlConverter, IncludePage, IncludePages, IncludeSiteMap, IncludeTree, InterWikiSearch, JabberPresence, LdapSearch, LikePages, LinkDatabase, LinkSearch, ListPages, ListRelations, ListSubpages, MediawikiTable, ModeratedPage, MostPopular, NewPagesPerUser, NoCache, OldStyleTable, OrphanedPages, PageDump, PageGroup, PageHistory, PageInfo, PageTrail, PasswordReset, PhotoAlbum, PhpHighlight, Ploticus, PluginManager, PopularNearby, PopularTags, PopUp, PreferenceApp, PrevNext, Processing, RandomPage, RateIt, RawHtml, RecentChanges, RecentComments, RecentEdits, RecentReferrers, RedirectTo, RelatedChanges, RichTable, RssFeed, SearchHighlight, SemanticRelations, SemanticSearch, SemanticSearchAdvanced, SiteMap, SpellCheck, SqlResult, SyncWiki, SyntaxHighlighter, SystemInfo, Template, TeX2png, text2png, TexToPng, TitleSearch, Transclude, TranslateText, UnfoldSubpages, UpLoad, UriResolver, UserPreferences, UserRatings, Video, VisualWiki, WantedPages, WatchPage, WhoIsOnline, WikiAdminChown, WikiAdminDeleteAcl, WikiAdminPurge, WikiAdminRemove, WikiAdminRename, WikiAdminSearchReplace, WikiAdminSelect, WikiAdminSetAcl, WikiAdminSetAclSimple, WikiAdminSetExternal, WikiAdminUtils, WikiBlog, WikicreoleTable, WikiForm, WikiFormRich, WikiForum, WikiPoll, WikiTranslation, YouTube |
Plugins not allowed | Total 1 plugins: WikiAdminSetExternal |
Supported languages | Total of 1 languages: en. Current language: en |
Supported themes | Total of 13 themes: blog, Crao, default, Hawaiian, MacOSX, MonoBook, Portland, shamino_com, Sidebar, smaller, SpaceWiki, wikilens, Wordpress. Current theme: Sidebar |
Included from Help/TeX2pngPlugin
The TeX2png plugin allows to display mathematical formulae in a Wiki page.
<<TeX2png text="$$(a+b)^n=\sum_{k=0}^n{n\choose k}a^k b^{n-k}$$">>
Cannot run TeX2png plugin, “/usr/bin/latex” does not existArguments
There is only one argument which is the text of the mathematical expression. This text must be enclosed by a dollar $ within a paragraph or two dollars $$ on a separate line. In the last case, all is centered.
To write mathematical formulae, the syntax is the one
of LaTeX.
This plugin is only to produce readable mathematical formulae. Any other text is not allowed: so if an expression is not enclosed by dollars then it will be displayed by a red text. It is all the same possible to display raw text as Cannot run TeX2png plugin, “/usr/bin/latex” does not exist by using:
<<TeX2png text="$\textrm{\LaTeX}$">>
This plugin is not able to produce sophisticated mathematicals texts
with links, cross references... For that, you can use for example
Some Greeks letters: Cannot run TeX2png plugin, “/usr/bin/latex” does not exist, Cannot run TeX2png plugin, “/usr/bin/latex” does not exist, ... and a formula Cannot run TeX2png plugin, “/usr/bin/latex” does not exist to test display in a paragraph.
Exercise 1
Consider the function:
Cannot run TeX2png plugin, “/usr/bin/latex” does not exist- Give the largest real domain for which f(x) is well defined.
- Give a domain on which the function is one-to-one. Using this domain derive a formula for the inverse function Cannot run TeX2png plugin, “/usr/bin/latex” does not exist.
- Calculate the derivative f'(x).
Exercise 2
Consider the function:
Cannot run TeX2png plugin, “/usr/bin/latex” does not exist- Show that for all r > 0: Cannot run TeX2png plugin, “/usr/bin/latex” does not exist Help: you can use polar coordinates.
- Hence find the limit of Cannot run TeX2png plugin, “/usr/bin/latex” does not exist as x tends to Cannot run TeX2png plugin, “/usr/bin/latex” does not exist.
See Also
Included from Help/TemplatePlugin
The Template plugin allows to include text from a wiki page and replace certain placeholders by parameters.
A template can be seen as a parametrized block. It is similiar to CreatePage with the template argument, but at run-time.
There are two syntaxes to call a template, the usual Phpwiki syntax for plugins, and a more concise syntax similar to Mediawiki templates.
Without parameters
Plugin syntax:
<<Template page=Footer>>
Short syntax:
With parameters
Plugin syntax:
<<Template page=Film vars="title=SomeFilm&year=1999">>
Short syntax:
With a specific revision of the page
Plugin syntax:
<<Template page=somepage rev=5>>
Short syntax:
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
page |
The page to include as template. |
none (required argument) |
vars |
Optional parameters to be expanded inside the template. |
empty |
rev |
Page revision. |
most recent revision |
section |
Just include a named section. |
empty |
sectionhead |
Boolean. If true, when including a named section show the heading. |
false |
Page to include
If "Template:$page" exists, it is used.
Else, if "Template/$page" exists, it is used.
Else "$page" is used.
This allows compatibility with Mediawiki that puts templates in the "Template:" namespace.
Parameter expansion
We only support named parameters, not numbered ones as in Mediawiki, and the placeholder is %%var%% and not {{{var}}} as in Mediawiki.
The following predefined variables are automatically expanded if existing:
Variable |
Description |
pagename |
mtime |
last modified date + time |
ctime |
creation date + time |
author |
last author |
owner |
creator |
first author |
is stripped.
.. is only expanded in pages using the template, not in the template itself.
Included from Help/TexToPngPlugin
Converts TeX to an image. May be used to embed formulas in PhpWiki.
<<TexToPng arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
tex |
TeX Commands (default: text mode), use $...$ for inline math formula style and $$...$$ for large formula style |
magstep |
magnify image by (1.2 to the magstep) |
img |
Image type (png, jpeg or gif), if chosen image type is not available use the first possible from png, gif, jpeg (in that order) |
png |
subslash |
on or off: substitute slashes by backslashes (to avoid the backslash bug of the database pear interface) |
off |
antialias |
on or off: render ps to img with antialias option. This produces higher quality output but is slower and needs more disk space. |
transparent |
on or off: produce transparent background instead of white background. Seems to be buggy (in pstoimg - not my fault) |
center |
on or off |
off |
This produces a little help screen:
A simple formula:
<<TexToPng tex="$x^2$" >>
A more complex formula:
<<TexToPng tex="$$/int^/infty_{-/infty} dx {1 /over /sqrt {x^2+1}}$$" subslash="on" >>
- Johannes Große
See Also
Included from Help/TitleSearchPlugin
The TitleSearch plugin displays results of pagename search.
If only one page is found and auto_redirect is true, this page is displayed immediately, otherwise the found page list is displayed.
<?plugin-form TitleSearch arguments ?>
All PageList arguments (except paganame),
plus the following ones:
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
s |
String to search |
none (mandatory argument) |
auto_redirect |
Boolean. If true and only one page is found, this page is displayed immediately |
false |
noheader |
Boolean. If true, header should be omitted. |
false |
exclude |
Comma-separated list of pages to exclude |
false |
info |
Info to display in the table |
false |
case_exact |
Boolean. If true, search with case exact. |
false |
regex |
Type of regular expression used for searching |
auto |
format |
false |
<?plugin-form TitleSearch ?>
See Also
Included from Help/TranscludePlugin
The Transclude plugin can be used to embed include whole (external) web pages within a wiki page.
Pages are transcluded using <iframe> tags.
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
src |
The URL of the page to transclude |
none (mandatory argument) |
title |
The title of the page to transclude |
Transcluded page |
height |
The (initial) height of the transclusion frame. If, possible, after the transcluded page is loaded, the frame is resized via Javascript so that it fits the entire transcluded page. (See below for more.) |
450 |
quiet |
Boolean. If true, frame appears as normal content. |
false |
Bugs / Caveats
- When possible, Javascript code is used to adjust the height of the iframe so that it fits the entire transcluded page. Unfortunately, this seems possible only when the transcluded page comes from the same server as the wiki page. (This restriction is due to security checks built in to the Javascript language.)
- The recursion detection code does not currently work. Be careful to avoid recursive transclusions, or you'll be sorry (or at least amused.)
<<Transclude src="">>
will get you
Transcluded from
Included from Help/TranslateTextPlugin
The TranslateText plugin allows to define a translation for a specified text.
<<TranslateText arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
lang |
false |
pagename |
translate |
<<TranslateText>>Plugin TranslateText failed. This internal action page cannot be viewed. You can only use it via the WikiTranslation plugin.
See Also
Included from Help/UnfoldSubpagesPlugin
The UnfoldSubpages plugin is used to display all or some subpages
of the current or a given page. This gives an overview for a
Help:CalendarPlugin or similar subpages.
Warning: Don't use it with subpages with nonexistent sections! The section extractor is currently quite unstable.
<<UnfoldSubpages>> <<UnfoldSubpages sortby=-mtime words=50 maxpages=5>> <<UnfoldSubpages quiet=1 smalltitle=1>> <<UnfoldSubpages sections=2 words=100>> <<UnfoldSubpages lines=3>> <<UnfoldSubpages pagename="PhpWikiAdministration" section="Plugin Arguments" sectionhead=1>>
All PageList arguments, plus the following ones:
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
pagename |
Any pagename or if empty the current page. |
empty |
quiet |
Boolean. If true, header should be omitted. |
false |
sortby |
Sort by + (ASC) or - (DESC) and one column. |
pagename |
maxpages |
Maximum number of pages to include or all if not defined. |
false |
sections |
Maximum number of sections per page to include or all if not defined. |
false |
section |
Include this named section per page only if defined. |
empty |
sectionhead |
When including a named section show the heading. |
false |
smalltitle |
If set, hide transclusion-title, just have a small link at the start of the page. |
false |
words |
Maximum number of words per page to include. |
false |
lines |
Maximum number of lines per page to include. |
false |
bytes |
Maximum number of bytes per page to include. |
false |
Deprecated Arguments
Argument |
Description |
pages |
Deprecated. Renamed to maxpages. |
sort |
'asc' or 'desc'. Deprecated: use "+" or "-" before the column name with sortby. |
<<UnfoldSubpages pagename=Help maxpages=5 >>
Included from Help/AddCommentPlugin
The AddComment plugin lets users attach comments to the end of a page.
Change the layout via the templates comment.tmpl and addcomment.tmpl, and the CSS classes
wikicomment, wikicomment-header, wikicomment-body, wikicomment-footer.
<<AddComment order||=normal jshide||=0 mode||=show,add noheader||=0>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
jshide |
Boolean. If true, the comments and/or textbox should be initially hidden and on click expanded. |
false |
order |
List comments in chronological (order=normal) or reverse order (order=reverse). |
normal |
mode |
List of “add” and/or “show”. |
add,show |
noheader |
Boolean. If true, the “Comments” header should be omitted. |
false |
pagename |
Attach to which page? |
current pagename |
Known Problems
- jshide does not work yet. Not very well tested.
Included from Help/AuthorHistoryPlugin
The AuthorHistory plugin allows you to list the history of edits by a particular
author; you can specify the page name as well (default is the current page).
<<AuthorHistory arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
exclude |
Comma-separated list of pages to exclude |
empty |
noheader |
Boolean. If true, page header should be omitted. |
false |
includeminor |
Boolean. If true, include minor modifications. |
false |
includedeleted |
Boolean. If true, include deleted pages. |
false |
author |
Display modification by this author |
Current user |
page |
Give a page name or "all" (list all pages with edits by this user) |
Current page |
info |
Info to display in the table |
version, minor, author, summary, mtime |
<<AuthorHistory page=HomePage includeminor=1>>
<<AuthorHistory page=all>>
Included from Help/CalendarPlugin
The Calendar plugin can be used to generate a monthly calendar in a
wiki page. It's handy for personal wikis.
Individual dates in the calendar link to specially named wiki pages. The names for the “day pages” are by default formed by appending the date to the pagename on which the calendar appears.
will get you:
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | |||
1 | 2 | ||||||||
3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | |||
10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | |||
17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | |||
24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | |||
31 |
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
Selection of Month |
year |
Specify the year for the calendar. |
Current year |
month |
Specify the month for the calendar. |
Current month |
month_offset |
Added to month. Can be used to include several months worth of calendars on a single wiki page. |
0 |
“Day Page” Names |
date_format |
The default value is %Y-%m-%d. |
prefix |
Prepended to the date (formatted per date_format) to generate the “day page” names. |
The default value is [pagename]/. |
Appearance |
month_format |
(Default: %B %Y.) |
wday_format |
start_wday |
What day of the week does the calendar start on. This should be specified as an integer in the range zero (Sunday) through six (Saturday), inclusive. |
<<Calendar month_offset=+1>>
will get you:
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | |||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | ||||
7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | |||
14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | |||
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | |||
28 | 29 | 30 |
<<Calendar start_wday=0>>
will get you:
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | |||
1 | |||||||||
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | |||
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | |||
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | |||
23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | |||
30 | 31 |
See Also
Often used together like this:
<<Calendar>> <<CalendarList>>
This feature was inspired by Calendar,
and first implemented by Gary Benson. It was later implemented as a
plugin by
Jeff Dairiki.
Included from Help/SqlResultPlugin
The SqlResult plugin displays results of arbitrary SQL select statements in table form.
The database definition, the DSN, must be defined in the local file config/SqlResult.ini
A simple textfile with alias = dsn lines.
Optional template file to format the result and handle some logic.
Template vars: %%where%%, %%sortby%%, %%limit%%
<<SqlResult parameters SELECT statement >>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
alias |
DSN database specification |
false |
ordered |
if to display as <ol> list: single col only without template |
false |
template |
use a custom <theme>/template.tmpl |
false |
where |
custom filter for the query |
false |
sortby |
for paging |
false (no paging) |
limit |
for paging |
0,50 (only the first 50) |
<<SqlResult alias=mysql SELECT 'mysql password for string "xx":', PASSWORD('xx') >> <<SqlResult alias=videos template=videos SELECT rating,title,date FROM video ORDER BY rating DESC LIMIT 5 >> <<SqlResult alias=imdb template=imdbmovies where||="Davies, Jeremy%" SELECT m.title,,, c.role FROM movies as m, names as n, jobs as j, characters as c WHERE LIKE "%%where%%" AND m.title_id = c.title_id AND n.name_id = c.name_id AND c.job_id = j.job_id AND j.description = 'Actor' ORDER BY DESC >>
See Also
Included from Help/MagicPhpWikiURLs
About phpwiki: URLs
A special type of URL is available for making links to perform administrative and other special functions in PhpWiki. Here is a brief description of how they work.
The basic syntax of a phpwiki: URL is
If pagename is omitted it defaults to the current page.
Query-args should be a set of parameters in standard HTTP GET format.
The "action=x" parameter should almost always be given. It can be one of browse, diff, edit, viewsource, zip, dumpserial, loadserial, remove, lock, unlock, login, logout, setprefs or save. The default action is browse.
Some of the actions accept other parameters.
FullTextSearch, TitleSearch | Accepts s=search term, and size=input size. |
edit | Accepts version. |
remove | Accepts verify. |
save | Accepts editversion, minor_edit and content. |
setprefs | Accepts edit_area_width and edit_area_height. |
Writing Magic Links in Wiki Pages
A magic link looks like:
[[ text | phpwiki-url ]]
The "text |" is optional but usually recommended. If given it will provide the label for the link.
The phpwiki-url is a phpwiki: URL as described above.
Some examples
[[phpwiki:SandBox?action=edit|Edit the SandBox]]
will generate a link which will take you directly to editing the SandBox, like so: Edit the SandBox.
Other possibilities:
Writing Magic Forms in Wiki Pages
Note: The old syntax for Magic forms is no longer supported. They are superseded by <?plugin-form>.
If the plugin is called using <?plugin-form instead of <?plugin and the plugin supports searching, then it will be rendered as a form.
size | If given, specifies the size of the input area. |
s | Specifies the default value for the input. |
A search plugin invoked with <?plugin instead of <?plugin-form simply inserts the search results of the plugin:
<<TitleSearch s=wiki noheader=true limit=10>>
Search results for Page titles containing 'wiki':
- PhpWikiDocumentation
- PhpWikiManual
- PhpWikiPoll
- PhpWikiRecentChanges
- The PhpWiki programming team
- WikiBlog
- WikiWikiWeb
<?plugin-form FullTextSearch ?>
<?plugin-form TitleSearch formsize=12 ?>
Included from Help/AllPagesPlugin
The AllPages plugin lists all pages in this wiki.
<<AllPages arguments>>
All PageList arguments, plus the following ones:
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
noheader |
Boolean. If true, header should be omitted. |
false |
include_empty |
Boolean. If true, pages that are referenced but not yet created are included in the list. |
false |
info |
Allows multiple columns: info=mtime,hits,summary,version,author,locked,minor or all |
empty |
userpages |
Boolean. If true, display only pages created by users (not the ones created at initialisation of the wiki). |
false |
<<AllPages limit=20 cols=3>>
All pages in this wiki (376 total):
See Also
See Also
Included from Help/UpLoadPlugin
The UpLoad plugin displays an editbox and two buttons.
- The first button lets you choose the file to be uploaded at your local filesystem. The text value of this button is localised from your browser.
- The second “Upload” button actually uploads the given filename to the upload directory.
This directory is not browsable, any file there may be accessed by using the “Upload:” InterWikiMap prefix to the given filename. This way you can easily inline uploaded images.
<<UpLoad arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
logfile |
Local path. The format is currently HTML - a new <tr> row per entry - and not log file syntax. |
phpwiki-upload.log |
autolink |
Add the uploaded filename to the list of uploaded files at the page. |
true |
page |
The page where the uploaded files are publicly listed, if autolink is true. |
Current page |
mode |
'actionpage' or 'edit' |
actionpage |
- The user must be authenticated to be able to upload.
- The filename may not end with certain disallowed extensions, to prevent from abuse.
- MAX_FILE_SIZE is configured by the config.ini option MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE, which defaults to 16MB. Your webserver and PHP may add another limit.
- Already existing uploaded files are NOT overwritten.
See Also
Included from Help/UriResolverPlugin
Converts an URI-escaped identifier back to an unique XML-ID.
Internal usage for SemanticWeb.
See Also
Included from Help/UserPreferencesPlugin
The UserPreferences plugin allows any user to adjust his own preferences.
The plugin must be used in the page UserPreferences.
Preferences are stored in metadata in the current session, within the user's home page or in a database.
Error: You are not logged in, cannot display UserPreferences.
See Also
Included from Help/UserRatingsPlugin
The UserRatings plugin lists the user's ratings.
<<UserRatings arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
dimension |
0 |
userids |
Array of userids to display ratings for; null/empty for active user only |
null |
pageids |
Array of pageids to display ratings for; null for all of current active user's ratings |
null |
category |
a category to display ratings for; null for no category; has higher precedence than pageids |
null |
pagename |
exclude |
Pages to exclude (allows multiple pagenames exclude=HomePage,RecentChanges) |
empty |
limit |
limit of <=0 is show-all |
0 |
noheader |
Boolean. If true, header should be omitted. |
false |
userPage |
Boolean. If true, we're on a user's homepage, get their ratings |
false |
nobuds |
Boolean. |
false |
info |
columns to display (hits, pagename, author, ratingwidget...) |
pagename |
- Dan Frankowski
See Also
Included from Help/VideoPlugin
The Video plugin allows to include video in a wiki page.
Video file must be in an HTML 5 format:
The Video plugin can also be called with the {{video.ogg}} syntax.
You must provide a url or a file argument (but not both).
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
url |
The URL of a video file. |
empty |
file |
The name of a video file that has been uploaded. |
empty |
width |
The width of the video (in pixels). |
460 |
height |
The height of the video (in pixels). |
320 |
autoplay |
Boolean. If true, auto play the video when page is displayed. |
false |
A video:
<<Video url=>>
Another video:
<<Video file=another_video.ogg>>
This is equivalent to:
Big Buck Bunny
- Roger Guignard, Alcatel-Lucent
- Marc-Etienne Vargenau, Alcatel-Lucent
See Also
Included from Help/VisualWikiPlugin
The VisualWiki plugin produces a graphical site map of PhpWiki.
It produces a graphical sitemap of PhpWiki by calling the dot commandline tool from Graphviz (
<<VisualWiki arguments>>
Arguments allowed only if VISUALWIKI_ALLOWOPTIONS is true.
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
imgtype |
png |
width |
false |
height |
false |
colorby |
age |
fillnodes |
off |
label |
name |
shape |
ellipse |
large_nb |
5 |
recent_nb |
5 |
refined_nb |
15 |
backlink_nb |
5 |
neighbour_list |
exclude_list |
include_list |
fontsize |
9 |
debug |
false |
help |
false |
- Johannes Große
See Also
Included from Help/WantedPagesOldPlugin
short description
- page (default: current pagename)
- The page to execute upon.
See Also
Included from Help/WantedPagesPlugin
The WantedPages plugin returns a list of referenced pages which do not exist yet.
All empty pages which are linked from any page - with an ending question mark, or for just a single page, when the page argument is present.
<<WantedPages arguments>>
All PageList arguments, plus the following ones:
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
page |
Just for a single page. |
empty |
withlinks |
Boolean. If true, display links. |
false |
noheader |
Boolean. If true, header should be omitted. |
false |
exclude_from |
Comma-separated list of pages to exclude. |
limit |
Maximum number of wanted pages to display. |
100 |
| ||||
| ||||
Page Name![]() |
Links![]() |
SourceForge | ![]() |
IncludePage | ![]() |
CurrentTime | ![]() |
PageList | ![]() |
OldStyleTable | ![]() |
object | ![]() |
city | ![]() |
country | ![]() |
SiteMap | ![]() |
this is a page link | ![]() |
WikiWords | ![]() |
link | ![]() |
See Also
Included from Help/WatchPagePlugin
The WatchPage plugin allows to manage notifications e-mails per page.
<<WatchPage arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
page |
The page to execute upon |
current pagename |
mode |
add |
<<WatchPage page=HomePage>>
See Also
Included from Help/WhoIsOnlinePlugin
The WhoIsOnline plugin shows summary information of the current user sessions.
<<WhoIsOnline arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
mode |
summary or detail |
summary |
pagename |
Refer to the page with the other mode. |
[pagename] |
allow_detail |
Boolean. If true, in summary mode, add a link to the detail mode. |
false |
dispose_admin |
Boolean. If true, also display the fact that admin is online. |
false |
Note: if you use allow_detail with mode detail, use the following syntax to be able to switch between modes:
<<WhoIsOnline mode||=detail allow_detail=true>>
Who is Online | |
![]() |
Our users created a total of 93 pages. We have a total of 1 registered users. |
In total there are 19 user sessions online: 0 registered and 1 guests. Most users ever online was 2574 at 15 February 2025 10:23. Registered Users Online: None | |
This data is based on users active over the past 24 minutes. |
See Also
Included from Help/WikiAdminChownPlugin
The WikiAdminChown plugin allows to change the owner of pages.
<<WikiAdminChown arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
s |
Pages to select |
none (if argument "s" is not provided, the list of pages with checkboxes will be displayed) |
user |
User name |
empty |
<<WikiAdminChown s=Temp*>>
<?plugin WikiAdminChown s=Temp*?>
See Also
Included from Help/WikiAdminDeleteAclPlugin
The WikiAdminDeleteAcl plugin allows to delete page permissions.
<<WikiAdminDeleteAcl arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
s |
Pages to select |
none (if argument "s" is not provided, the list of pages with checkboxes will be displayed) |
info |
Columns to include in listing |
pagename, perm, mtime, owner, author |
<<WikiAdminDeleteAcl s=Temp*>>
<?plugin WikiAdminDeleteAcl s=Temp*?>
- Marc-Etienne Vargenau, Alcatel-Lucent
See Also
Included from Help/WikiAdminPurgePlugin
The WikiAdminPurge plugin allows to purge pages.
<<WikiAdminPurge arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
s |
Pages to select |
none (if argument "s" is not provided, the list of pages with checkboxes will be displayed) |
<<WikiAdminPurge s=Temp*>>
<?plugin WikiAdminPurge s=Temp*?>
- Marc-Etienne Vargenau, Alcatel-Lucent
See Also
Included from Help/WikiAdminRemovePlugin
The WikiAdminRemove plugin allows to remove pages.
<<WikiAdminRemove arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
s |
Pages to select |
none (if argument "s" is not provided, the list of pages with checkboxes will be displayed) |
<<WikiAdminRemove s=Temp*>>
<?plugin WikiAdminRemove s=Temp*?>
See Also
Included from Help/WikiAdminRenamePlugin
The WikiAdminRename plugin allows to rename pages.
<<WikiAdminRename arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
s |
Pages to select |
none (if argument "s" is not provided, the list of pages with checkboxes will be displayed) |
createredirect |
Boolean. If true, create a redirect page from the old to the new pagename. |
false |
updatelinks |
Boolean. If true, change pagename in all linked pages also. |
false |
<<WikiAdminRename s=Temp*>>
<?plugin WikiAdminRename s=Temp*?>
See Also
Included from Help/WikiAdminSearchReplacePlugin
The WikiAdminSearchReplace plugin allows to search and replace text in pages.
<<WikiAdminSearchReplace arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
s |
Pages to select |
none (if argument "s" is not provided, the list of pages with checkboxes will be displayed) |
<<WikiAdminSearchReplace s=Temp*>>
<?plugin WikiAdminSearchReplace s=Temp*?>
See Also
Included from Help/WikiAdminSelectPlugin
PhpWikiAdministration Page Explorer main plugin.
<<WikiAdminSelect arguments>>
All PageList arguments, plus the following ones:
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
noheader |
Boolean. If true, header should be omitted. |
false |
include_empty |
Boolean. If true, pages that are referenced but not yet created are included in the list. |
false |
info |
none |
<<WikiAdminSelect s=Temp*>>
See Also
Included from Help/WikiAdminSetAclPlugin
The WikiAdminSetAcl plugin allows to change access rights on pages.
<<WikiAdminSetAcl arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
s |
Pages to select |
none (if argument "s" is not provided, the list of pages with checkboxes will be displayed) |
info |
Columns to include in listing |
pagename, perm, mtime, owner, author |
<<WikiAdminSetAcl s=Temp*>>
<?plugin WikiAdminSetAcl s=Temp*?>
See Also
Included from Help/WikiAdminSetAclSimplePlugin
The WikiAdminSetAclSimple plugin allows to change access rights on pages.
<<WikiAdminSetAclSimple arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
s |
Pages to select |
none (if argument "s" is not provided, the list of pages with checkboxes will be displayed) |
info |
Columns to include in listing |
pagename, perm, mtime, owner, author |
<<WikiAdminSetAclSimple s=Temp*>>
<?plugin WikiAdminSetAclSimple s=Temp*?>
See Also
Included from Help/WikiAdminSetExternalPlugin
The WikiAdminSetExternal plugin allows to mark selected pages as external.
<<WikiAdminSetExternal arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
external |
Boolean. If true, set the page to external. |
true |
s |
Pages to select |
none (if argument "s" is not provided, the list of pages with checkboxes will be displayed) |
info |
Columns to include in listing |
pagename, external, mtime |
<<WikiAdminSetExternal s=Temp*>>
- Marc-Etienne Vargenau, Alcatel-Lucent
See Also
Included from Help/WikiAdminUtilsPlugin
Some special actions for PhpWikiAdministration and PhpWikiDebug.
<<WikiAdminUtils action="purge-cache">> <<WikiAdminUtils action="purge-bad-pagenames">> <<WikiAdminUtils action="purge-empty-pages">> <<WikiAdminUtils action="email-verification">> <<WikiAdminUtils action="db-check">> <<WikiAdminUtils action="db-rebuild">>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
action |
Valid action are: "purge-cache", "purge-bad-pagenames", "purge-empty-pages", "email-verification", "db-check" and "db-rebuild" |
none (mandatory argument) |
label |
Custom button text |
Each action has a default button text |
<<WikiAdminUtils action="purge-cache">>
<?plugin WikiAdminUtils action="purge-cache"?>
See Also
Included from Help/WikiBlogPlugin
This simple plugin allows blog-style entries on a page. Try making a few entries, and then look at RecentChanges to get an idea of how things work.
This plugin shows 'blogs' (comments/news) associated with a particular page and provides an input form for adding a new blog.
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
page |
page which is blogged to |
Current page |
order |
normal |
mode |
show,add |
Add <<WikiBlog>> at your PersonalPage and BlogArchives and BlogJournal will find the Blog entries automatically.
Now it is also the base class for all attachable pagetypes: "wikiblog", "comment" and "wikiforum"
To have the blog show up on a separate page:
On TopPage, use <<WikiBlog mode=add>> Create TopPage/Blog with this page as actionpage: <<WikiBlog pagename=TopPage mode=show>>
To have the main ADMIN_USER Blog appear under Blog and not under WikiBlog/Blog or UserName/Blog as for other users blogs, define BLOG_DEFAULT_EMPTY_PREFIX=true use the page Blog as basepage and user="" (as default for ADMIN or current user) and pagename="Blog" in the various blog plugins (BlogArchives, BlogJournal)
You must be logged in to add blog entries.
- Michael Van Dam, major refactor by
Jeff Dairiki (as AddComment)
- Changed as baseclass to AddComment and WikiForum and EditToolbar integration by
Reini Urban.
See Also
Included from Help/WikiFormPlugin
The WikiForm plugin provides generic input buttons.
<<WikiForm arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
action |
upload, loadfile, dumphtml or dumpserial |
upload |
default |
Default value in the input box |
empty |
buttontext |
Text displayed on the button |
if action=upload, Upload |
overwrite |
When loading pages, force overwrite or not |
false |
size |
Size of the input box |
50 |
<<WikiForm action="loadfile" buttontext="Load File">>
See Also
Included from Help/WikiFormRichPlugin
Create generic and enhanced forms, with various options:
- editbox[] name=.. value=.. text=.. autocomplete=0|1
- checkbox[] name=.. value=0|1 checked text=..
- radio[] name=.. value=.. text=..
- pulldown[] name=.. value=.. selected=.. text=.. autocomplete=0|1
- combobox[] name=.. value=.. text=.. method=.. args=..
- hidden[] name=.. value=..
- submit[]
- action, submit buttontext, optional cancel button (bool)
- method=get or post, Default: post.
Valid arguments for pulldown and editbox: autocomplete=1, Default: 0
If autocomplete=1, additional arguments method and args may be used. autocomplete together with dyn-methods (see below) should be used to handle larger lists (> 500).
If no method is given, value will be used to fill in the valid values.
method="xmlrpc:name [optional args]" method="dynxmlrpc:url [optional args]" method="url:http://server/wiki/method" method="dynurl:http://server/wiki/method" method="array:jsvariable" method="plugin:pluginname [optional args]"
- The plugin must return a pagelist.
- args are optional arguments, space separated, for the method.
- A combobox is a pulldown with autocomplete=1.
- Values which are constants are evaluated.
- The cancel button must be supported by the action (just some wikiadmin actions so far)
- improve layout by: nobr=1
- some allow values as list from <!plugin-list pluginname args !>
<<WikiFormRich action=dumpserial method=get checkbox[] name=include value="all" editbox[] name=directory value=DEFAULT_DUMP_DIR editbox[] name=pages value=* editbox[] name=exclude value="" >>
<<WikiFormRich action=dumphtml method=get editbox[] name=directory value=HTML_DUMP_DIR editbox[] name=pages value="*" editbox[] name=exclude value="" >>
<<WikiFormRich action=loadfile method=get editbox[] name=source value=DEFAULT_WIKI_PGSRC checkbox[] name=overwrite value=1 editbox[] name=exclude value="" >>
<<WikiFormRich action=TitleSearch method=get class=wikiadmin nobr=1 editbox[] name=s text="" submit[] checkbox[] name=case_exact checkbox[] name=regex >>
<<WikiFormRich action=FullTextSearch method=get class=wikiadmin nobr=1 editbox[] name=s text="" submit[] checkbox[] name=case_exact checkbox[] name=regex >>
<<WikiFormRich action=FuzzyPages method=get class=wikiadmin nobr=1 editbox[] name=s text="" submit[] checkbox[] name=case_exact >>
<<WikiFormRich action=AppendText buttontext="AddPlugin" radio[] name=s value=<!plugin-list BackLinks page=WikiPlugin limit=5 !> >>
<<WikiFormRich action=AppendText buttontext="AddPlugin" combobox[] name=s text="" style="width:60px" value=<!plugin-list BackLinks page=WikiPlugin !> submit[] >>
<<WikiFormRich action=AppendText buttontext="AddCategory" pulldown[] name=s text="Categories: " value=<!plugin-list TitleSearch s=Category !> >>
<<WikiFormRich action=SemanticSearch buttontext="AddRelation" combobox[] name=relation method="xmlrpc:listRelations" submit[] checkbox[] name=case_exact text="Case-exact?" >>
<<WikiFormRich action=AppendText buttontext="InsertTemplate" combobox[] name=s text="Template: " method="plugin:titleSearch s=Template*" submit[] >>
<<WikiFormRich action=GoTo editbox[] name=page text="GoTo: " method="dynxmlrpc:titleSearch s=H" style="width:100px" autocomplete=1 submit[] >>
See Also
Included from Help/WikiForumPlugin
The WikiForum plugin handles a threaded list of comments/news associated with a
particular page (one page per topic) and provides an input form for adding a new message.
<<WikiForum arguments>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
pagename |
pagename |
order |
normal (oldest first) |
mode |
info |
noheader |
Boolean. If true, header should be omitted. |
false |
You must be logged in to add blog entries.
See Also
Included from Help/WikiPollPlugin
The WikiPoll plugin provides configurable polls.
<<WikiPoll arguments questions and possible answers >>
question[1]="Do you like PhpWiki?" answer[1][1]="Yes" answer[1][2]="Do not know" answer[1][3]="No"
<<WikiPoll page=PhpWikiPoll admin=true>>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
require_all |
Boolean: if true, all questions must be answered |
true |
require_least |
Minimum number of questions that must be answered |
0 |
admin |
Boolean: if true, an administrator can view and reset statistics (not yet implemented) |
false |
See example in PhpWikiPoll.
Included from Help/WikiTranslationPlugin
Display pagenames and other internal strings in various languages.
Can also be used to let a favorite translation service translate a whole page. Current favorite: if from_lang = en or fr
<<WikiTranslation languages=de,en,sv string="" page="" what=pages from_lang=0 nolinks=0 noT=0 debug=0 >>
All PageList arguments, plus the following ones:
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
languages |
comma delimited string of de,en,sv,... |
string |
string defined in a <lang>.po file to be translated |
page |
A whole page to translate by the currently defined external translation service. |
what |
One of pages, buttons, plugins or wikiwords |
match |
Filter |
* |
from_lang |
Override the current lang. |
nolinks |
Do not display any links (for development only) |
noT |
Do not display the T link (for development only) |
<<WikiTranslation page=HomePage languages=fr>> Translation service for HomePage into french (redirect to <<WikiTranslation what=pages>> Translation matrix of all pages with proper translations (all in pgsrc) <<WikiTranslation what=wikiwords match="W*" limit=20>> Translation matrix of the first 20 wikiwords matching "W*" <<WikiTranslation string=HomePage languages=fr,de,sv>> Translation matrix for all given languages <<WikiTranslation string=HomePage>> Translation matrix for all supported languages <<WikiTranslation string=HomePage languages=fr>> Just return the translated string for this language.
See Also
Included from Help/WikicreoleTablePlugin
The WikicreoleTable plugin allows a user to specify a <table> in Wikicreole syntax.
The plugin is not meant to be called directly, just use the syntax below to insert your table.
Wikicreole table syntax
All cells are separated by single pipes. Leading spaces are permitted before the first cell of a row and trailing spaces are permitted at the end of a line. The ending pipe is optional.
You can embed links, bold, italics, line breaks, and nowiki in table cells.
Equal sign directly following pipe defines a header. Headers can be arranged horizontally or vertically.
|=Heading Col 1 |=Heading Col 2 | |Cell 1.1 |Two lines\\in Cell 1.2 | |Cell 2.1 |Cell 2.2 |
will give:
Heading Col 1 | Heading Col 2 |
Cell 1.1 | Two lines in Cell 1.2 |
Cell 2.1 | Cell 2.2 |
In the Edit Toolbar, the
icon allows to create a Wikicreole table from Tab Separated Values.
You have to select the lines containing the Tab Separated Values and click on the icon. The resulting table will contain only normal cells, you can add headers if needed.
This feature is expecially useful when you copy spreadsheet cells from Libreoffice Calc or Excel. If Excel cells contain multiple lines, the results will be wrong, you will need to manually convert these multiline cells. In Libreoffice Calc, there is no such issue, but the newlines will be lost.
- Marc-Etienne Vargenau, Alcatel-Lucent
See Also
Included from Help/YouTubePlugin
<<YouTube v=-dnL00TdmLY width=425 height=350 size=medium|small|large style=inline|link autoplay=0|1 browse="Daily Pick|Most Recent|Most Viewed|Top Rated| Most Discussed|Top Favorites|Most Linked| Recently Featured|Most Responded|Watch on Mobile" time="Today|This week|This month|All Time" category="All|Autos & Vehicles|Comedy|Entertainment| Film & Animation|Gadgets & Games|Howto & DIY|Music News & Politics|People & Blogs|Pets & Animals| Sports|Travel & Places" language="All|English|Spanish|Japanese|German|Chinese|French" >>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
v |
key of the video |
required, or define browse |
browse |
One of "Daily Pick", "Most Recent", "Most Viewed", "Top Rated", "Most Discussed", "Top Favorites", "Most Linked", "Recently Featured", "Most Responded", "Watch on Mobile" |
optional, if v is empty |
time |
One of "Today", "This Week", "This Month", "All Time" (optional). |
Today |
category |
One of "All", "Autos & Vehicles", "Comedy", "Entertainment", "Film & Animation", "Gadgets & Games", "Howto & DIY", "Music", "News & Politics", "People & Blogs", "Pets & Animals", "Sports", "Travel & Places" (optional). |
All |
language |
One of "All", "English", "Spanish", "Japanese", "German", "Chinese", "French" (optional). |
All |
width |
Video width (optional). |
425 |
height |
Video height (optional). |
350 |
autoplay |
If autoplay=1 it starts automatically to play, otherwise to have to click on it (optional). |
0 |
style |
If link will display a small icon with a link to the Youtube video (optional). |
inline |
size |
Video size (medium or small or large). Overrides width and height (optional). |
medium |
<<YouTube v=-dnL00TdmLY style=link>>

<<YouTube v=-dnL00TdmLY>>
Daily Pick
<<YouTube browse="Daily Pick">>
Top Rated (This Month)
<<YouTube browse="Top Rated" time="This Month">>
See Also
Included from Help/text2pngPlugin
Convert text into a png image using GD without using WikiPluginCached.
The images are stored in a private <PHPWIKI_DIR>/images/ subdirectory instead,
which are not timestamp checked at all. Delete the .png file(s) if you change anything.
This is a really simple and stupid plugin, which might need some work.
<<text2png text="some text">>
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
text |
some text to display |
lang |
language subdirectory |
force |
set to 1 to recreate the image |
fontsize |
18. with GD1 it's the pixelsize, with GD2 the pointsize |
with_shadow |
1 |
fontcolor |
#000000 |
shadowcolor |
backcolor |
#ffffff |
Configurable Options
See the sourcecode. You'd probably need to adjust $ttfont and text2png_debug.
<<text2png text='Hello WikiWorld!'>>
See Also
You must be logged in to add blog entries.